Warriors are underpowered. Everybody hates it and we can’t win ANY DUELS. The problem is you have to make every move carefully and perfectly in order to catch up to the foe and then your damage is low!!! There should be a talent that simplifies and makes it easier to hurt opponents. Like if you can add a talent in the bottom of arms which gets rid of berserker stance but gives your attacks a SMALL chance to break the opponents neck and defeat him. This won’t be usable against bosses and will have a cool down like cheat death but for warriors.
Arms is actually quite competitive vs players. I clocked a fair amount of time into it so I know. Regarding your instant kill proc, you’ll have to wait for rend/execute talents in wrath.
That is not true!!
we can not catch mage. We can not catch hunter. we can not catch druid. we can not hit rogue we can not hurt paladin! So why not? If they can just make it so we can’t hurt them EVERY TIME why can’t we make it so we get a SMALL chance to do the same?
There is another thing I wanted to say. Soon there will also be death knights which can strangle, so there is more reason for warriors to be able to break peoples necks.
Have you considered gittin’ gudder, friend?
How doesn’t matter, the why matters - and I don’t think they need it.
Some of the best Arena teams had Warriors? Rated teams? So untrue statement. Get better before you blast us with your poor results.
All melee dps are gear dependent, think there is a sword from honored hold which should last some time.
Arms Warriors can merely /frown at a Holy Priest to kill them. What more do you want?
A day late and a buck short. But good effort!
This is called balance. Arms warrs can easily decimate depending on your gear and weapon spec. Having trouble with casters or people getting away from you? Try mace spec. Wanna push out some big numbers with RNG? Try sword spec. Get that resil up/trinket goin and practice. 2v2 can be insanely fun with a good resto shaman /w windfury out.
You do NOT pvp! Priests do not play holy when they pvp! They play shadow or disciple and I think you forgot they have a shield. I should not need to partner with someone to take down mage or druid or shaman or rogue or paladin or even priest. If they can kill me with their **** unfair attacks! Why can’t I have a SMALL chance to take them down? Do not comment if you are not a warrior!
except they are not
Have you ever seen a Feral Druid kill a Holy Priest? Clearly you have not. Go smash your two-handed weapon into a Holy Priest and leave the Mages to us Druids.
Do warriors have stealth? NO Do druids? YES Do warriors have stuns? NO Do druids? MANY. Do warriors have heals? NO Do druids YES Do Druids get trapped in ice for 20 ****** seconds? NO Do warriors YES!!
I wonder what do warriors have that druid doesn’t? OH I GOT IT CHARGE!? NO DRUID HAVE CHARGE TOO! Plus DK is coming and will be able to strangle but druids dont get mad about strangle but they dont want warrior to break peoples neck!?!?
Mortal Strike, plus Druids are too dumb to figure out how to equip shields.
this is 100% a skill issue
are we playing the same game? they are the best DPS
Its already a mindless class that almost does not have to manage resources.
I think your problem is that you don’t have any gear and need to learn the class.
A spammable movement speed reduction which has a chance to proc a full snare.
A weapon AND a talent that gives you mace stun which procs nonstop
The best MS effect in the game
A 15 second gap closer with a stun built in
Spell reflect
An AoE fear
Can easily go into defensive stance and put on a shield to mitigation 15% or more damage
If anything, warriors need to be nerfed, hard.
Charge and intercept both stun, so does mace specialization. They have 1 more stun than a rogue.
Yes, they do. They have a talent that heals you for a % of your health when you get stunned or snared. This gets substantially more powerful in WOTLK.
Druid charge is an interrupt and a snare. Its not a stun, like warrior charge is.
TBH is sounds like OP doesn’t know how to play a warrior properly yet, or is trying to 1v1 classes that counter warriors, like druids and frost mages.
You have obviously not tried gnome warrior.
Another thing to do is pop a fap and start melting mages and hunters. Give up on druids.
Open world and bgs are the only place you should be concerned about 1v1. In arena u have a partner. And wars in arena are just fine. They get better in wrath arena also.
uhm…rage is not a resource to be managed…rofl