How to buff warrior

in PVE do you ever really run out of rage? Call us back when you have mana and go OOM.

Not all classes are good in 1v1. Warriors are designed to excel in a team/group setting. Get a healer for Arenas and you’re g2g.

the context is obviously pvp

nice red herring

Arms almost never runs out of rage in PVP, especially Mace spec Arms. Well unless you’re horribly under geared or bad or both.

SO when I do play warrior on RETAIL, I do get a little too excited from all the critting and buttons proccing but when I switched over to CLASSIC I noticed that there are no Buttons that glow for me. Not even a single Alert telling me to use EXECUTE??? Is this a bug or maybe the classic game never had this integrated into the game? WHY NOT?

go back to retail

…do people still think duels are how classes should be balanced for PvP? I agree, warriors do get shafted in the CD department, but Wrath is around the corner with plenty of QoL changes.

Oh yes and then the mage just get a healer too and its back where we started again!! You can NOT be serious!! Maybe I just need to bring the Lich King with me then warriors can win? OH RIGHT LICH KING IS A ****** DK

Retail is much better in every way. Also there are too many GDKP and gold sellers on classic. I would much rather play retail.

Get a healer that can cleanse Mage snares? CC the healer? OoM the Mage?

Mage/Healer is not easy for Warriors in tbc. Try 3v3 instead.

Not everyone has spell reflect or can use defensive stance! I would give that dumb **** spell up to be able to break necks which is all I ask for :unamused: :unamused:

hey man. it is true mages hard counter warriors, especially with bad gear, but we hard counter other things too. warrior isnt the best dueling class. but we can pump in arena, just keep lvling if u want some tips let me know

Warrior in WoW has always been a class that excel when playing with other. It needs the support of other classes to perform.

It’s a juggernaut, slow and easy to keep at arm’s distance by itself, but extremely dangerous when supported by classes that focuses more on support and can provide the warrior with the freedom and control they need to reach their target.

It’s why they excel so much in a 2v2 scenario when combined with a healer or why they are a staple of 3v3 and 5v5 for any melee cleave when combined with a shaman and ret paladin.
They have a lot of pressure with Mortal Strike, Mace stun as well as high damage output, especially when they are receiving damage.

This is 100% the same dude who keeps arguing about Druids being OP, but then claiming his “fury warrior main” is amazing and Druids suck all in the same post lol. Only to find out his Fury main is level 61. Can’t even make this stuff up.

Of course the druid thinks its fine that druid has all the ability of my class plus like 3 other class! I can’t wait to break your druid neck :roll_eyes: :rage: :-1:

Have you played on retail before? I think you might like playing Demon Hunters! Classic is for people who like playing an old game over again (and the community is questionable(No offense)) I do respect your choice in the matter, I think a new class ability for warriors would be a pretty alpha move for blizzard. Cheers!

3 words and already flagged for trolling
this has to be a record

Warriors scale better with stronger weapons, adding maces and swords which are powerful would be a good idea.

Git gud. L2P.

:-1:Dont reply to this idiot