How to avoid unwanted Bnet requests

I am not sure that is correct. Memory says that we have 3 options from the Battlenet interface.

  • Accept
  • Decline
  • Decline and block which is a single action

Is my memory wrong on that or are you talking the in-game interface vs the Launcher Bnet interface?

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Well, i left out accept because this is a situation where you don’t want them. But yes, There’s 3 options on what to do in any other situation.

Ingame. Never seen Launcher Bnet Interface’s options for that actually. I could be wrong, but i would imagine it would be the same thing as ingame’s.

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I don’t think there is a “report” option from that interface because they can’t send you any text, and can’t send a second request once you block them.

Ahh fair enough on that. I might have to double check on that since it’s been a month ago since i’ve done that bnet account experiment on myself.

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Thank you :slight_smile:

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