How to avoid unwanted Bnet requests

Butter is :+1:t2:

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100% agreed with that sentiment, I -do- think we should get another free btag change when they do implement it, though.


this isn’t the issue I have with this idea.

The other forums use btag, but I prefer characters here honestly. It’s iconic to the wow forum.

Useful information Bari thank you for sharing it.

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dudes literally upset that people want to play with him.

I avoid Bnet requests by being honest in conversation (or rather, lacking social graces).

And also by being a sub par player.

It is a case of people going if btags are ever added to the forums other people will harass people with btag friend requests becasue they believe or try to make others believe once a friend request is made the person can see all the toons and even get real life info of the person being requested.

We all know btags don’t show real life info and the only way to see what toons a person has is if the request is accepted and only shows what toon is on if you mouse over their btag in the list.

This is just to show people who don’t want btags for personal or nefarious reasons that ignoring btag requests is no harder then tying ones shoes


Would you eat cream cheese on bagels if it was laced with some green eggs and ham? :rofl:

Great write up, thanks

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Apparently you do, because otherwise you wouldn’t have said anything. :thinking:

First off, yikes with that last part there. ♫ Phr-RAS-Siiiiiiiiiing! ♫
Second, it’s a helpful guide for somebody who happens to have that problem or want a little more control over their friend requests, and these solutions are pretty easy to do. I understand you personally don’t find it helpful but for many others here, they do. Therefore it’s staying. You however, can just safely ignore this if you don’t have any problems. :slight_smile:
Thrid, where i’ve said i’m getting many requests and where did you get that idea? If you meant in one of the pictures where i show how LTP works in action… You might want to take a second look.

Plot Twist, Sam I am poisoned the eggs and ham. :scream:

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Regardless of what you think of BTag usage in the forum, the OP’s post is accurate and useful information.


Yep. I’m still not a fan of the idea but his write up is helpful info and this kind of constructive post is going to go further in winning people over to that idea than the constant foot stomping demands. :+1:


I endorse this message.

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no i dont sry

Nope! I also don’t eat ham. I am a picky eater. :smiling_imp:



Surely green eggs will be enough :egg: :egg:


You do you. :man_shrugging:

I’m just call it like i see it. Seems odd to me that somebody who claims they don’t care, comment anyways. But to quote from Ralphenford D Butheyington Son, “But hey.” :upside_down_face:

Good information, OP. Thanks.

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