How to avoid being banned?

I just got my “ban for cheating lifted” however As I just got it lifted it is true that I didn’t cheat at all…

I run a couple of add-ons like dominos for arranging my action bars & bagnon since they clear some view space… I’m sure that this is not enough to get banned… is it??

So my question is… How to avoid being banned out of the blue and lose 2+ weeks on a wait-list to get it lifted without a refund of lost gameplay and the fact that I’ve lost 2+ weeks of vault rewards???

I understand blizzard’s terms that basically say “you pay, we ban innocent for no true reason, we don’t care about the user experience, we don’t help, follow our rules, no one told you to pay the game”

Any suggestion to not get banned?

Then you understand nothing at all. Mistakes do happen, they admit quite regularly that they are human and humans make mistakes. (Which completely disproves that whole “bans are automated!!!1!” diatribe, but that’s something else entirely.) They will not say what exactly flagged your account, due to that being prime information that real cheaters and botters would love to have. So long as you’re running add-ons that operate ‘legally’ and steer clear of questionable software such as ISBoxer, AHK and the like, (whether you use it for legitimate purposes or not, just having those on your computer can flag Warden) you shouldn’t run into any issue.

There was apparently something that caused folks to be flagged when they shouldn’t have been. If they didn’t offer you game time as compensation right off the bat, you are absolutely able to shoot a note and ask about it. I know the previous big ban wave that had false positives, they were handing it out with the overturns, but it may be that whatever dinged folks this time around wasn’t so widespread.

The vault rewards, there really isn’t any way they can reimburse those, as it is theoretical rewards, not ones that were actually earned. But they can issue compensation for game time lost. I would submit a ticket here.

Ticket times are still a bit higher than normal, but they are coming down all the time. I do know most in-game issues are being dealt with within a week-ish right now. If you get a templated response, be sure to hit the “I still need help” option. I know this will be irritating as get out, but if it will not allow you to reopen the ticket, submit a new one and reference the previous ticket number. There’s been a bug of late that is not allowing some tickets to be reopened, so I figured it best just to prepare you in the instance it hits you as well.

I am sorry you got caught up and were inconvenienced by this muck. Hopefully they’ll get back to you quickly enough and you’ll be made a little more whole. I do wish you all the best.



Your frustration is understandable. Errors happen in life sometimes, though. As adults, I am certain we all know this.

Leilleath has some good suggestions if you are concerned about the lost game time. Perhaps they can do something there.

That said, this is the most heavily regulated subforum. I’d strongly suggest the sarcasm be left out of it and any future tickets. It accomplishes nothing good.

Good luck.


Nope, absolutely not. No need to worry about addons. Addons run in Blizzard’s sandbox, and if Blizzard doesn’t like the way an addon is working, they break its functionality. Not ban players for using it.

There is no way, unfortunately, to play in a certain way that will guarantee you never get erroneously caught up in a ban wave. That’s part and parcel of playing online games. It’s something we all need to consider when we play.

I know you’ve experienced this, and are understandably frustrated, but it’s something that happens extremely rarely to players. Perhaps that’s of no consolation; I am sorry for that, but there’s no need to worry that it’ll happen again.

…but if it does, by logging in and playing, you’re accepting of that and are agreeing that Blizz can take any action they want to take. Up to you. Play with the knowledge and acceptance, or don’t play and have no need to dedicate another second of thought to this.

As another poster suggested, try a ticket for some game time compensation.

  • Yes, you do pay
  • They don’t ‘ban innocent for no true reason,’ they made a mistake and admitted it. They believed at the time that they had a reason.
  • They obviously do care about the user experience; that’s how they make money.
  • They do help, you admitted it yourself. They overturned your ban.
  • Of course they want you to follow the rules. Every online game has rules.
  • No one did tell you to play the game. It’s a decision you freely made.

OK, so now that you “know” this, onus is on you to either play or not play, and you personally must make that decision. The game’s not going to change for you.

Personally if I believed that a company was saying that nonsense to me, I wouldn’t go anywhere near their products, because that’d just be silly. I deserve better than that, so I’d take my money elsewhere. If you really, truly believe that stuff, well… I am sure you can figure out the best way forward for yourself.


How is it over abused and what needs to change?

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If you are referring to your most recent suspension, Jonathann - it’s working EXACTLY as intended.