How to authenticate without a phone app?

How can I use multi-factor authentication (MFA) for my account without the Authenticator App? My phone does not support this app, and if it did, I’m not sure I’d want the app anyway. Can I authenticate with a one-time code received by text or email? Is there any other method other than the Authenticator App?

I care only because in-game features are now (9.1.5) locked behind the need to authenticate. If there is some other way to unlock all the game features, I wouldn’t care about authenticating.

Please advise.

(Edited to clarify MFA = multi-factor authentication)

If you can find a keyfob authenticator, that might still work, but they have been out of manufacture for some time, and the battery was only rated at about 7 years.

Sorry, I am not aware of any other means to provide that same level of security now required to allow custom text in Group Finder.


Ok. Thanks for your response. I’m really hoping I can get a solution to this.

You say “level of security”, what does the app do that makes it more secure than a normal MFA method like text/email, like my bank does?

I am assuming you mean mobile fob authentication?

The company that used to make stand alone fobs, not longer makes the Blizzard authenticator, only the mobile app is available. It’s the same level of security, but now the mobile app also works with SMS protect.

The app provides the 2 layer of security. SMS protect makes it easier to change passwords if something should happen.


My apologies. By MFA, I mean multi-factor authentication, which is what the Blizzard Authenticator App and the key fob you speak of is. This is commonly done by sending a text or email that contains a one-time use alpha-numeric code which expires after a short period of time.

The physical authenticator is no longer available. As Kozzae mentioned, they haven’t been available for years. Currently, the mobile app is the only method of multi-factor authentication available.

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Well, unfortunately, I cannot download the app on my phone. So I need a solution. If an alternate means to authenticate cannot be provided, then game features should not be locked behind MFA…js

So? Because someone cannot use an app, then everyone else has to downgrade the security of their accounts. Not a good idea.

Best one is to get a better phone, I know it not what you want to hear. Lessening security is not a solution.

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Not at all what I’m saying at all.

I’m talking about the newly locked game features behind the authenticator. If there is no authenticator to an app that is not available to everyone, game features should not be locked behind MFA.

Was your account less secure before 9.1.5? Is the authenticator requirement for LFG somehow making your account more secure?

Somehow though, my bank and credit accounts think a text with one-time code is secure enough for MFA. My money is arguably more important than a video game and those companies don’t require an app…

Blizz solution to only offer an app makes accounts less secure instead of offering a different or alternative method that more people can use.

You can thank the scammers and grifters who use those features to take advantage of their fellow players, often with stolen game licenses.


The authenticator is there to secure accounts from hacker and other miscreants. Last patch, there Group finder was flooded with them. Unfortunately, it’s why we cannot have nice things. To quote Garrosh… “Times change”.


I mean…I’m not saying no MFA…I’m saying an alternate means is needed.

So, why not chat? Why not to play the game at all?

I’d support that.



If you want them to drop the requirement, coming here isn’t gonna get you heard. Post your request on General Discussion. Right now, it’s required, you can still use the group finder, you just can’t post custom messages. It’s not game breaking. As Gunny Highway would say: “Adapt and Overcome”

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I’m in GD, CS, plus CS ticket entered. I’m reaching out any way I can because this is going to be an unsub for me if no resolution.

Not gonna help, can already tell you that. They’ll tell you to post on GD. GMs don’t make policy changes.

If you un-sub over this, that on you.


Not yet, but it’s very annoying that game features are being locked behind an app I cannot access with no alternative method to authenticate. So, because I can’t afford a new phone, I have a second rate account? Guess I need to unsub to save money for a compatible phone/contract :man_shrugging:


You do you. The ability to post custom messages on Group finder, is what I don’t call a game feature. It’s a courtesy, and it was abused.


You could run something like bluestacks (android emultator) on a computer to use the authenticator. You can buy a cheap android tablet or an old ipad and install the app and connect via wifi. There are a variety of ways you can meet this requirement, if you actually want to.


You need a valid contract cell phone number to set up the Auth these days. It basically rolls SMS Protect in during set up.

So no, I don’t think they can do the Auth alone and you need both the Auth and phone set up to do custom groups. Also to get the 4 bag slots.