How to ask for a Mage Portal

Are you seeing how many post people are making basically saying F MAGES and the “snobby attitude” (I don’t think it was snobby at all) is a surprise?

pretty standard 1g for a port especially if you’re higher level, 50-60 imo. “hey can I get a port to X for 1g?”

I could fly from IF to menethil then fly to [location near Darn] and take 5-10 minutes, or spend 1g and take 10 seconds. 1g is reasonable. even flying down to Feralas I’ll take a port to Darn so I can afk on the flight and not have to be at my desk for the boat and another FP.

not really comparable to greater buffs for your group, or the cost of bres/DI. They’re part of your costs at a higher level for running group content. Similarly, I’ve never seen a mage demand their party/raid pay them to port out at the end of an instance, as they shouldn’t (i’m sure they do exist though). but if you want a solo convenience port, you should expect to pay up.

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Bad attitudes and they are probably bad players as well.
I’m still trippin off people grabbing the extreme (5g) from my OP and talking about that when they are totally missing the point. I’m glad to see a few understand though :slight_smile: Hope they learn from it and have a better experience in the game.

Some people make it easy…

“LF port to Darn - Any mages in IF? 2g”

I quickly invite to group

Easy gold.

I always offer a mage just the tip. But end up giving them so, so much more.

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The Reagant is 20s.

If they want 5g you’re better off walking

Imagine expecting to get gold for portals playing the most overplayed class in classic ahahahah.

Just as easy when you get someone whispering you “Can I buy a port to Org, 1g? I’ll come to you”

Mainly why I’ve set my hearth to Kargath since 40.

I don’t expect gold… don’t even advertise portals for sale. However… when people post in trade asking for a port for 1-2g I’ll gladly accept the offer.

Mine is set to Gadgetzan… I’ve got the other 3 corners of the world covered with Darn/IF/SW ports.

i don’t think i’ve used a single portal yet, between my double hearth to xroads, i can take zep to booty bay from ratchet, or fly to org and zep to UC, so i have 2 close points north and south for eastern kingdoms and xroads is fine to afk a few min on any flight path for kalimdor

Azeroth needs more Hero’s like you. (SERIOUSLY)
People just think mages are their servants. I mean c’mon we all know how WoW players are :stuck_out_tongue: Take Barrens Chat and put it all in a whisper to yourself for 3 days straight and you will feel the mage pain.

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eh if i was a mage like before id set my hearth wherever im questing and use the teleports for sure, but this works, i mean hearth on 15 min cd, e z

Lol, wtf is this?

/who mage
/w “port to x? will tip”
They respond: “sure, walk to me”
/i accept
Pay 1g, get a portal

Every single time for every single portal I’ve ever gotten from every single mage who’s given me a portal.

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That’s how it’s done… What’s the problem ?

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It’s like explaining that water is wet. Why does there need to be a thread about asking for mage portals?

So you can bring your post number to 95 (JOKES)

Honestly if you don’t know then you should not even be here. If you are asking simple questions that have been answered in this thread multiple times then you are just trolling or trying to get your posts up.

For somebody on the spectrum this helps a ton.

Thanks, OP.

I didn’t bother training portals. They don’t help me any, and i’m saving for my epic mount.

I should have made that my original post then I would never be bothered again :slight_smile:

FOR REAL THOUGH = It would suck to do 1000 portals for an epic mount but having portals trained can net you a few extra gold a day, especially if you are just hanging around playing the AH or anything Semi Passive

Makes sense, I’m usually out questing though. I try to keep my time in cities to a minimum.