How to ask for a Mage Portal

Lol at you thinking an extra 1-2 whispers will upset someone.

I’d probably just go to another mage. They will get the tip instead. Time is money friend.


More mage scabbiness! 5gold? gtfo


I usually just message my mage friend and say "Port me to UC, you fu**.
I usually give him 20s though for the reagent. If I must get a port from anyone else i’d give them more for their trouble.


You get a full sentence?

People just run up to me and open a trade window, throwing in a gold. Then they’ll say in /s chat, org/uc/tb.

I spam portal sales in my down time and that’s expected, but it happens randomly more often than not. I’ve also been getting whispers to make food/water while 2 hours into BRD from people that tell me I’m /who in UC.


Really? I thought you were supposed to call the Mage a selfish prick that should uninstall if they don’t give you a free port.


I’ve gotten about 10-15 ports so far in Classic and I’ve never tipped more than 50s.

Not a single mage has scoffed at me or asked for more. Someone making a post on the forums saying you should pay up to 5g for a port doesn’t make it true. It’s nonsense.


I have only ever had 1 mage refuse when I offer 50 silver… and they just responded with “1g”. 5 gold would maybe be if they had to get on their mount and ride somewhere and port you 2 places… Get serious.

In Classic, I just want payment for the reagent cost, in a group I don’t charge. In retail, I never charge because it doesn’t cost anything.

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I’m gonna start asking people for tips when I use an ankh In a dungeon after a wipe. After all it’s my reagent that gets used.


Do people actually ask mages in different zones to portal them? I’ve always done a /who on mages in my current zone or city, or used /2 and let a mage in another city decide if they want to teleport to me for the portal. Either way, I’ve always expected and seen 1-2g paid out for mage services. It’s no big effort and takes very little time for the amount of coin earned.

5-10g honestly sounds ridiculous at this point in the game. I’d take the longer route for a fraction of the price or ask a different mage if presented with that charge.

I’ve never had anyone offer 1g to pay for a portal…now I feel ripped off

Why would someone pay 1-5G for a portal? Just run to the zepplin.

my approach would be more like

“greetings, I was wondering if you aren’t busy would be possible for you to portal me to cityname please”

I don’t know where you got 5 gold from but 1g is the usual tip but I have had people cancel the window and say its ok and just portal me for free, though usually I just go on a flightpath to whatever city and afk make tea

You can absolutely bet I will.

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Would it be considered rude if I replied with “Tip?” Sometimes I’ll just get asked if someone can get a port and I just have to assume they’ll compensate me for materials atleast.

No one has stiffed me yet, most people open trade as soon as the portal is created.

I remember when they took the portals out of Dalaran.

Mages were charging ridiculous amounts of gold to port people out.

I and one other mage were giving out portals for free. I made 2,000g+ out of tips.


Nope, legit statement. I main a mage and people are always asking for things and are typically rude - entitled, feel like mages owe them for some reason. I don’t respond unless money’s involved or people are actually nice, or I’m in a group (of which I always provide water to all mana users and ports at the end of dungeon).

Too many people randomly open trade, or whisper “water?,” or both. Even if they’re like, on the opposite side of the city or zone and expect that I’ll travel to give them water. Same with ports, even yesterday I had some guy randomly send a party request and then “IF please.”

If anyone’s entitled, it’s all the non-mages.


That is exactly what you would do because you would not get a response from me. So while you are still out begging for ports, I am out Banking $$ & XP at the same time finishing my quest and still making it back to org before you. You finally understand what this post is about CONGRATULATIONS.

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If you dont like it find another mage, I get so many tells asking for ports and food if I stopped and answered them all I would do nothing but port people and make them food if you want to get my attention you have to add a monetary gain to it or I just ignore it.


You bet! Charging 5g (or even 1g) for something so trivial is absurd. I get wanting a tip, and am happy to give you one, but that’s downright greedy.

I’d also only approach you if you were sitting in a capitol city, not actually out in the world. So perhaps there’s courtesy on both sides to be had here?