How to Address Premades in Classic Battlegrounds

Interesting. Battlegrounds aren’t inherently group content though, because there’s an option to queue as a solo player. Maybe we should consider making a “group content” variant of battlegrounds, so that players queueing in groups face groups instead of people who queued up alone.

We like VANILLA. which classic is attempting to emulate. It does a poorer job than we’d hoped because of various factors like server/bracket sizes, which have resulted in far more people trying to rank at the same time.

There actually is something preventing me from starting a premade. Nobody on my server is interested in participating in one. It’s not an option for me, unless I intend to change servers; which I won’t do, because I have friends on my server, and WoW – being a “social game” as you say, is more fun to play with your friends.

Furthermore, making a premade ruins the gameplay experience for the pug teams we face, and doesn’t offer an appropriate amount of challenge for me and my team. As such, it isn’t an appropriate solution to the 16 year old problem we’re still discussing.

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Everyone can queue as a team. Choosing not to do something within the rules does not make it unfair when others do.

Then change the rules, and eliminate inherent unfairness which never ought to’ve existed in the first place.

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Not really a possibility in what is meant to be a faithful recreation of vanilla; a museum piece.

Blizz should make Guild Battles - Bet none of this Premade defenders make the rankings!

Fact is you can queue solo or in a group - The more of that comp you can control the better chance of success.


16 years of experience have shown us all that there is a certain threshold were it becomes unfair, and turns a game - games are for fun - in to a tedious shore, and unwarranted frustration.

And I’m all Up for people to be rewarded for their efforts, but as it turns out most premades put less effort to get the rewards, that’s the whole point of premading. That’s why premade vs premade with a bonus does not just make sense, makes the game just fair, and is the right thing to do.

As a side note, the sades thing is that this people think they are good at pvp because they stomp on undergeared soloers while behind their full set up.

That’s one way to defend an oversight in development which you’ve benefited from abusing for 16 years.

This is still a pervasive problem in retail wow today. It’s a flaw in the company’s design philosophy as it pertains to matchmaking, always has been, and never should’ve been after all ethical considerations have been made.

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Classic hasn’t been out for 16 years, and vanilla ended ~13 years ago.

I don’t have any particular issue with separating the queues, except that it wasn’t that way in vanilla. If this were Classic+ and not Classic, your suggestion would be worth considering, but alas, it isn’t, and so…

No changes.

Too many changes already to take this claim as valid.

This is not Vanilla, it is quite different.


No changes is an expression of desire, not a description of the game. Existing changes do not change that fact.

I appreciate the tired response from the pro-change lobby, though.

No changes went out the window when we received mega servers instead of regularly sized ones and cross server battleground queues instead of single server instances.

Vanilla’s gameplay hasn’t been preserved in Classic as a result of those changes, and it’s in the spirit of “no changes” to better preserve vanilla’s combat in spite of people abusing premades to de-naturalize it.


There were premades in vanilla, and they queued into PUGs. Hell, you even admit…

… which means that changing it goes AGAINST the spirit of no changes.

Nice try, though.

My philosophy is to better preserve vanilla, as a museum piece, in light of players abuses of outdated systems which has had the effect of changing the way the game feels to play.

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And yet you want to change it.

Gonna press ‘X’ to doubt, bud.

10 characters.

Players doing things differently than they did in vanilla does not mean the game has changed, nor does it justify changing the game.

It is meant to be a faithful recreation of the GAME, not a recreation of the personal, subjective experiences of any particular individual or group of players from vanilla.

Player knowledge gaps, increased bracket sizes, and cross server battlegrounds changed the game.

This is about changing it back to something which better represents Vanilla’s gameplay.

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Regarding knowledge gaps, see the above reply. People doing things differently doesn’t mean the game has changed.

The way bracket sizes were calculated has not been changed. The change was to the server population, and even in the lower population caps theoretically higher bracket sizes were possible if people cycled more frequently.

I’m actually strongly opposed to the increased realm population caps as it is a change. If by “increased bracket sizes,” you mean people boosting with alts, then I think you just need to get over it. You have to allow alts to rank, as well.

Cross server battlegrounds were in vanilla. I appreciate the attempt, though.

What are game systems absent gameplay? Why are those worth preserving, if the gameplay which results is of lesser quality than the original product?

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Because people’s experiences are the result of playing within those systems and it is literally impossible to recreate the subjective experiences of any individual due to the vast number of outside variables, such as age, real life experience, employment status, knowledge, 3rd party knowledge, even down to the hardware we play the game on.

By contrast, new experiences can be created from the same game we used to love, so long as that game is accurately recreated.

People asking for Classic all these years did not want to relive ‘the experience,’ we wanted to play the game. Personally speaking, I’m not wanting to go back to being an ignorant noob who clicks their abilities; I just genuinely think the game was much, much better back in vanilla than it is now in BfA.

Premades are no different than the horde to ally ratio on pvp servers. PvP horde chose to dominate pvp servers for “the love of world pvp.” Now the ques are severely skewed and you cry because you have to face premades. A premade stomping a PuG is no different than all you #rerollpve noobs stomping alliance in P2. You created this mess, deal with it. None of it is blizzards fault, it’s playerbase created.

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