How to actually "Redeem" the Horde

Alliance players always say “It’s okay when we do it.”


What was your goal? Stop posting? Isn’t it easier to seize and then exchange for something?
Why did you take him to the shrines at all? Didn’t they take you?

What was the Sunwell when the dwarf was killed? Desecrated by the remains of Kel’Thuzad and … I don’t know.
Anyway, the Sunwell was not in use at the time, right? This means that its destruction will not be something that entails grandiose consequences. Or were there cleansing methods known at that time?

Well yes.
Now admit that the Blood Elves killed the diplomat.

Shern you call for a lot of blood spilled, unless it’s Alliance blood. Do you realize how hypocritical that is?

The Sunwell was in use, it was restored by Fel. It’s a whole huge plot that involved Illidan, Kael’thas and the Legion. The blood elves had to use fel to sustain the Sunwell and Kil’Jaeden took advantage of that. It’s why Kael’thas in is Revendreth, he traded his soul for the power to sustain his people, becoming a Legion pawn in the process.

Did you just start playing WoW recently Shern? You don’t seem to care at all about the story or lore.

This is the same logic that was applied by Sylvanas to burn Teldrassil. It’s so hypocritical and you are oblivious that you are no better than her at her worst.


Something worth noting that the only reason diplomats that are spies get tolerated in the modern world is a “don’t go after ours, we won’t go after yours” thing. Also why they get expelled during times of hostile relations.

The idea that it’s fundamentally vital to respect the status as a diplomat outside of straight up violent crime is not really true, especially in a fantasy world set basically in medieval times.


Probably hypocritical. It’s okay, Stormwind, too, will be happy to destroy. Yes, Orgrimmar will drown in acid, Stormwind will be home to the Eternal Blossom.

Cataclysm Legion - played on the starter version, but only on the night elves.
BFA - read history forums.
Shadowlands is the full version, but I did not complete the covenant pick chain (settled in Revendreth).

Maybe yes. I am interested in lively debates, not knowledge. I have enough of the knowledge that can be obtained by reading the forum. I don’t know basic things and only remember the most frequently repeated things. Mda.
On the other hand, even if I knew and remembered, the arguing one of me is still useless.

Mda. “Putting on a troll mask, you recognized yourself as a trooll, and you called yourself a mediocre idiot.”

So basically you have no idea what you are talking about and get information second hand from misinformation and outrage culture in the forums.

That sounds about right when debating Alliance posters lately in the Story forum…

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M … No?
The blood elves have charges against the dwarf who represents the Alliance. The Alliance knows, in theory, that it is under attack.
I would not call it an equal situation with Sylvanas’ plan.
Sylvanas “kidnaps” an “innocent” person to make her a hostage.
The blood elves will make a hostage from a “guilty” person who voluntarily came to them and “does evil.”

Well, don’t dare to offend others because of secondary connections with me! They play longer, for different races and argue better! I prefer the comparison with Erevien and Katiera!

But they are better quality than me!
At the very least, they don’t go off on onomatopoeia.

Does it confirm that they knew about it at the time, or is it possible they learned about it later?

If the first …

OMG, why do the writers keep doing this?


And about the logic. How can it be formulated in an “impersonal form”?

Dwarf diplomat.
If X, representing Y, makes a right decision, then X should take hostages and try to barter for something with Y.

As I see it, Sylvanas’s Plan.
To achieve the goal, you need to take X from Y, achieve the division of Y into F, X, Z, and negotiate with F, X, Z.

Something went wrong. In any case, the X in the option “Diplomat” is provided by side Y. In the option “Plan” X is taken from side Y.
Is not it so?

The BE PC tries to talk to Anvilmar first, then he starts attacking when his ruse is broken. Anvilmar wasn’t a peaceful diplomat he was a spy smuggling info about the blood elves to the Night Elves. He attacked the BE PC when his cover was blown instead of being captured.

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And the Alliance used to fail to live up to that ideal on a regular basis.

ETA: That’s why I never thought of the Horde as “more evil.” It was just that their problems were out in the open, while the Alliance had more of a veneer of harmony. But behind that facade, they could be hypocritical and casually brutal to those they didn’t care about, even citizens of the Alliance.


Um … Really?
You and the dwarf enter the sanctuary, the dwarf does not understand what is happening (as long as no one is attacking), then the dwarf says something like “I should have guessed” and attacks the player.
True, I saw this only once during the Cataclysm and only the moment when the dwarf climbs the spiral staircase of the sanctuary.

So what about “impersonal logic”?

What do you mean by “impersonal logic?” That’s not part of regular English vernacular. It may make sense to you but it doesn’t make sense in conversation.

Do you mean “secondhand information?” It means that everything you know you got from someone else, that info can be outright wrong or misinformed. It’s not logic, it’s the lack of critical thinking skills that you don’t seek to confirm your own opinion with facts, you take all information at face value. It doesn’t make for good debate. You are just repeating false information.

Describe the event in dry language, using letters instead of faces. It will come out all the same crooked, because the bias will not disappear anywhere. The only benefit is that it is more convenient to look for differences in the compared situations.

Because I didn’t understand the hypocritical connection between Sylvanas’s plan and the Diplomat.

Why do I need to confirm something if I am only interested in a dispute, which still will not end with anything, regardless of whether I have complete information or not?

I kinda think it’s both. The Blood Elves may overreact by killing Anvilmar instead of just expelling him, but they also have provocation that’s absolutely legitimate.

Let’s not forget that the whole purpose of that questline is to teach the new BE player that the Alliance are your enemies. It’s been noted that pretty much every Horde starting zone has an equivalent.

I do remember having a moment of “You want me to kill him? O-okay…” when first doing that quest. But it’s an important moment for establishing the way the world works, and let’s face it, in a game like this, most problems are solved by having the PC go out and kill something. Especially in the earlier expansions, before they started making use of more sophisticated gameplay options.

::sigh:: :cry:


Then you are being disingenious.

People here are interested in story and lore. Not made up story you heard from some guy with a blue background behind his character who only knows a small fraction of the story as a whole.

You are admittedly just arguing for argument’s sake, you don’t care if the facts you present are right. That’s not debate, that’s called trolling and it’s frowned upon in the forums.

Nonsense. Garithos deserved everything he got.


The fact that he deserves it does not in any way negate the fact of your betrayal.

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It’s basically just “Han shot first.” Neither side was actually going to make good on that deal.

And given that, I don’t think there’s anything to feel guilty about.