They already said they would get new capitals which is more than gnomes and worsens have gotten
Hanlon’s razor:
“Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”
I was pretty much done with you at this point.
People who write like this are the reason NEP is a trope in this venue. This cult of victimisation weakens and pretty much removes any validation the arguments you make in this post. The idea that Blizzard would punish a player for taking a choice that Blizzard itself provided is an expression of an unwarranted persecution complex. Malfurion and Tyrande were front and center for much of the cinematic attention given during the War of Thorns.
Ashenvale has always been a contested zone. The status quo from DAY ONE was that both factions had settlements in the zone. The Horde simply has a couple of more spots than it did before. But then again the Horde no longer has the exclusive ownership of the Barrens that it once had. As far as Darkshore is concerned, that does not apply for the low level play that Darkshore was always intended for. Are you seriously going to tell me that you spent time in Darkshore as an 80th to 100th level player back in the day?
Not going to happen. Blizzard has said time and again, and the player base has proven, that building new player capitals is a waste of time. When the Mechagnomes first premiered on the PTR as a playable race, their starting area was a section of Mechagon big enough to get lost in. That got truncated down to a single room. Blizzard had been champing at the bit to cut down on the player capials and they finally got the opportunity to take out two of them. (You forget that Undercity and Brill are just as much of a loss for Forsaken and Horde players.)
The newest Horde allied races, the Mag’har and the Vulpera don’t even have THAT. They don’t have a home place to portal to, the way the Mechagnomes and Void Elves , Highmountain Tauren, and Nightborne do.
Darnassus and Teldrassil as well as Darkshore continue to remain for those who opt for the classic low level Night Elf experience.
From another point of view, Night Elf souls are the ONLY souls that we actually see getting recovered and saved. Bastion isn’t filling up with Humans, or Dwarves, we’re not seeing any Troll souls in Arcenweald, we don’t even see any Blood Elf souls in Revendreth. Night Elves were far from the only souls that went to the Maw, but only Night Elf souls have actually been seen recovered from it.
There never was a justice plot. Warfare is not a just process. That is not the sugarcoated story that was ever promised. Revenge as a path to Justice was never going to be part of the story.
The characters do not live in a just world. They live in a World of Adventure, which means it’s a place that lurches from one crisis to another. That’s what you’re buying into when you pay that subscription fee.
Tyrande’s role in the cinematic is certainly a lot better than having the Horde players watch a seemingly endless parade of Saurfang regret. For all of the production value, Saurfang’s presence in BFA was a sad shadow of the strength of the character during Wrath. Tyrande on the other hand is constantly shown in hero mode, the most recent being her takedown of Nathanos in the revisit of the classic open world raid that was a key thing for Alliance players only back in Classic.
Blood Elves dealt with it. It’s the Night Elves turn… Elf up. Blizzard actually came out with the qualitative assessement for the Blood Elves, they were less than forthcoming as to the casualty rate of Darnassus… or the population as a whole. Astranaar is still a populated Night Elf town. Val’Sharah still has a Night Elf population. Night Elves have expanded their presence in the Stone Talon Mountains and the Feathermoon Stronghold got quite a build up which was not matched by the Tauren in Feralas.
Night Elf spirits liberated from the Maw are visible addition to the population in Ardenweald. The only spirits from other races were those who made it to the Shadowlands before the system broke down. You don’t get to see others reclaimed from the Maw anywhere else.
They didn’t btw, but since you’re always lying and never providing any sources it’s no surprise
Humans: 19 years
Oh, the details could be much, much worse.
If anything the night warrior powers probably made Tyrande weaker, she hasn’t accomplished anything with them aside from killing a nathanos with no valk power ups and after a raid was attacking him. The powers likely only existed in 8.1 to give night elves a cosmetic eye option to match blood elves and they weren’t going to do anything with it outside of that.
Her story in SL is just like 3 cameos, one at the intro quest before jumping in and disappearing, one in the ardenweald campaign, then disappearing and then one at the end of the 9.1 questline and then being put to sleep. It doesn’t seem to be much of a powerup and the story would have been much better if they didn’t add this tacked on trash of the night warrior because they clearly had no plans for it after giving night elves black eyes in 8.1.
I thought Tyrande looked super badass in the Nathanos death cinematic but I guess that’s because I’m not a Night Elf fan and so I’m capable of liking things about the Night Elves
Remember the Tides of Vengeance cinematic where Malfurion owns the Horde so hard that they go from chestthumping blood and thunder warriors to catatonic shellshock victims too scared to leave their tents
It was a slap in the face to Night Elves
“Bwonsamdi, do not take me…”
I don’t think so.
The only thing that could be worse is if they lost Darkshore too, but I don’t think they could’ve made the details worse.
They already went through with that whole soul obliteration thing and torture… that was just so unnecessarily cruel
Daily reminder that playable humans are conically natives of Stormwind or Kul’Tiras.
Daily reminder that pretty much every playable human is from Lordaeron given that they are all adults.
The game straight up says you are from SW or KT. We’re approaching High elf levels of head-canon here.
Stormwind didn’t exist less than a generation ago. The video games “Warcraft: Orcs and Humans” and “Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness” are not headcanon, they are real canon.
It’s weird that this bothers you so much given you have stated yourself you don’t care about human lore.
Stormwind existed as a refugee population a generation ago. That Anduin Lothar guy was from Stormwind and was kind of a big deal. They rebuilt Stormwind (and skipped out on bank loans) and reclaimed their homeland.
Its weird that you’re bending the game’s lore on top of itself in order to fulfill some degenerate form of the Deus Vult meme.
Yeah, the ones who could escape on a handful of ships (the ships that weren’t burned so that the Horde couldn’t pursue them) and Chronicles confirms that most of those refugees stayed in Lordaeron.
The Kingdom of Stormwind as it was prior to the First War is effectively extinct. It was rebuilt and repopulated almost entirely by Lordaeron humans, especially after the Third War when the Lordaeron refugee population turned it from a recently depopulated backwater to the center of human power on Azeroth.
You can tell by the fact that all of Stormwind’s pre-First War institutions are gone and were replaced by Lordaeron institutions as well. To say nothing of the fact that it was rebuilt using Lordaeron architecture and clearly modeled after Stratholme.
There was no Lordaeronian refugees around when Stormwind was being rebuilt, as Lordaeron was still around. There was a large portion of transplants. The population lived around the city as it was being rebuilt, some refugees went down sound afterwards. It literally states this in the human starting zone intro. Even then, the game trumps all. You should try playing it.
Yeah, the ones who could escape on a handful of ships
Don’t worry, the entire Kalimdorian Orc population was transported via a handful of boats. There will always be enough humies.
I cannot but laugh at the shear audacity to barge into a thread about a few Night Elf problems that literally happened on screen and try to dredge up literally ancient history that most gamers weren’t even alive to play through, much less see in front of them, and try to undermine their problems in order to validate a trash meme. All the while ignoring the fact that the Forsaken are literally undead Lordaenians. This is Helfer levels of delusion.
Yes, that’s why Stormwind didn’t do much in the aftermath of the Second War and was so handicapped in the Third. It was underpopulated and not particularly important as it had just been rebuilt and its existence was heavily subsidized by the coffers of the rest of the Alliance, particularly Lordaeron. Stormwind’s reconstruction being a project near and dear to Terenas in particular is a well established matter of record and the expense of its reconstruction was one of the reasons that taxes were so high in Lordaeron (in addition to subsidizing the camps) which is what led to disgruntled people flocking to the Cult of the Damned.
You’re the one who decided that they wanted to have a big argument about it in response to my one liner that I posted 9 hours ago (which was itself adding to a conversation where comparisons between the Night Elves and other races was already happening.) Don’t start nothin won’t be nothin.
Hey first of all good storywriting isnt something that is exclusive to night elves you racist! (dw everyone is racist) second of all If WoW had good writing my presence wouldnt be necessary on these forums.
We all know that tyrandes powerup was just because they needed a reason to update her models so that smut artists could make more use of her.