How the hell can I update my phone number?

When I go to my account details and choose ‘update’ at the phone number section, it insists on sending a security code TO THE OLD PHONE NUMBER I HAVE LISTED. With no option to have it send to my email instead. I have access to my account name, password, and email. I can launch the launcher and play games just fine.

I want to update my info and set up an authenticator before I re-sub to WoW, but I cannot even get started because of this infinite loop they have. I can’t even submit a ticket on their support site because, guess what, it wants to verify that I’m the owner of the account BY PHONE USING MY OUTDATED NUMBER THAT I NO LONGER HAVE ACCESS TO.

From my internet searching I can’t find a phone number to call, and can’t find an email address to email. The account settings are an infinite loop. The support website/ticket submission are an infinite loop. This is insane.

If any of you know a good way to resolve this, or an avenue I can take to update my phone info on my account it would be greatly appreciated.


Theres been no # to call for years
did u try

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If you’re still not able to after following the steps Darth provided, you can open a ticket to Blizz using the link below:

You might need to attach ID so that they can see you’re the real account holder too.


Darthwraith, what you link to says the following:

Common Problems

  • Lost my phone
  • Changed phones
  • I have a new number

You can update or remove the phone number on your Blizzard account on your (Account Details) page. If you need help, (contact us)

So Account Details takes me back to step 1 that I tried, which is changing the number on my Account Details page. The second hyperlink, contact us, is the exact page you link me to. It links to itself. So yes, I’ve tried both of those =/

Perl, thank you,

In all of my clicking around the website would never take me to a place where I could actually submit a ticket, it always wanted to send an SMS to my old phone number. I don’t know how you navigated there, but thank you, and I will save that URL in case I need it in the future!

Thank you both.


In case you or anyone else who stumbles upon this needs it, I used the following path:

Support ->Contact Support -> Account, App, & Shop (not WoW) ->Choose my own adventure (“I would rather categorize the issue”) -> Account -> Not listed here.


Weird thats not what i get when i click on contact us.

When I get to the verification page, there’s a link to submit a ticket with an image of an ID. Try that. Here’s the link again:

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Just popping in for anyone in the future that may be searching for a similar answer:

We have a ticket channel for “Update Phone Number”. It’s currently listed under Account → Can’t Login because that’s what usually ends up happening before folks realize their number is out of date.

Thanks everyone for helping the OP get a ticket open! :slight_smile:


whenever i try this it wants me to verify my acc before i can submit a ticket and inorder to do that i need to send a verification text from the abandoned number

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You should be able to submit the ticket while not being logged into the Forums at all.

Use the ticket link that Perl posted earlier in this thread.



Op this thread was almost 2 years old. It’s usually always best to start your own thread. We frown on necromancy. That’s a Diablo thing.


If you do not have access to the main verification methods presented, you’ll still have the option to open a ticket with your photo ID.

If you’re on a mobile device, make sure you scroll down as this option could be cut off by your screen depending on resolution.