Khadgar gone poof. Isn’t where he’s meant to be due to the new expac launch. Resolution is to complete the Harbringer questline. Can’t complete the Harbringer questline because none of the NPC’s spawn where they’re meant to. So…yea…what do??? Remix toon bricked from order hall campaign, mount etc?
Unfortunately CT doesn’t work on level 70 toons. Basically blizz gave all the remix toons an MSQ quest that is impossible to be completed. Pretty embarrassing and incompetent of them to do. Especially as it also completely blocks off the mai. Legion campaign and order hall for said characters.
The issue isn’t that. The issue that by removing khadgar from the violet citadel, you completely brick the main legion campaign and any order hall campaigns. Which also prevents getting any of the class mounts etc.
All I wanted to do was my remix monks order hall campaign for the cosmetics. I was prevented from doing it by blizz by keeping our remix characters locked in MoP. But that’s fine. I was willing to wait it out. Little did I know I would be permanently blocked from basically all legion content even after I got let out of remix jail. SMH.
I started doing the Legion campaign on my wife’s level 70 a couple days ago only because we still have to do all of the nonsense to get the tome to tame feathermanes. I got the one quest to get the one naru item and when I go to show him he’s not there, lol.
I guess I’ll be waiting a bit until the old expansion catches up and he reappears? Kind of annoying, but whatever, she doesn’t NEED feathermanes right now, lol.
Yeah, I noticed this as well on All my remix characters that old vanishKhadgar was M.I.A when I went there to turn my quest in. I just thought it was part of a new feature the developers implemented.
The new and improved go turn this quest in, only to have the quest giver Not be their quest.
I had 7 new toons from remix and some of which Id planned to do the Legion Class Hall to get my class mount. There is a lot of things not working. However, this worked for me. Make sure one of your new toon completes the Harbinger quests chain (~30 mins). Then inorder to activate the Legion campaign, your toon will have to complete the new TWW scenario. You should have a quest to meet Khadgar/Jaina/Magni in Silathus. The quest might/not pop up automatically, if not, just fly to silathis and that needs to be done. Its like 10 steps and took about 5 mins. It ended with a turn in to Khadgar in Dalaran. Upon turn in, The Legion campaign pop up where the NPC was following me around. Id then head to the building with the large stairs where all the aspec NPC stands. talked to Khaggar and immediately completed the United the Isle and Legionfall quests. Then Id proceeded to start the Broken Shore. Hopes this helps.
Except I was never talking about the TWW intro phasing. You’re just posting a pic from a character without the phasing issue (probably a character that completed it long ago) which is irrelevant to the characters that are affected by it. This is what it looks like for any character hit by this issue. This is Legion Dalaran right now:
Ability to progress Order halls and main Legion campaign…GONE. It also blocks your ability to do any Legion world quests.
the amounts of death for falling on my mage/priest …always forget about safe fall / levitate …or just remember when the world turns gray and u are an angry ghost lol
Hahah omg yes. Ive died to it because I forget where on my bars I put my slow fall or my pally bubble or heroic leap. Warlock just goes splat… Just realized we are the only class that doesn’t have a fall save…no no wait I think shammy is one too.