How the heck does horde STILL not have playable Ogres?

I would most certainly roll as an ogre.

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Yes, ogres would be awesome. I’d definitely race change a couple of my chars to ogres. They’re long overdue at this point. And please, no half-measures. How well did that work out for the Alliance players who wanted high elves but were given void elves instead.


Have you seen what their women might look like?

So what?

  1. census data is often wrong and/or not the complete story

  2. mechagnomes.

because they would go to the horde who already have the most popular races lol

I’d like to refer you to the legendary Queen song, Fat Bottomed Girls. It would be epic.

why would they get a clone of a horde race?

also, because they are too damn big

Alliance is already half way there. We have KTs. Just waiting on them to add the ogre mannerisms. They should start with the dance off emote. oh and give us the ogre mogs too.

Should have gotten Ogres in TBC, considering the setting and relevance of them.

Draenei and Ogres. Personally I think Blood Elves should have just remained enemies all expansion, Silvermoon being a larger raid part of Sunwell.

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The Ogres aren’t too big your brain is just too small :open_mouth:


Same way the Alliance doesn’t have any raiders.

The devs don’t care.

Been wanting to play a rogue ogre since I saw Dagg.

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Its funny to me its always Alliance that advocate to add Ogres to the Horde.

How about we give Alliance Ogres and give the Horde something the Horde wants like San’layn.

You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. This is literally untrue, and because we can actually test this in-game right now, we all know that you’re just mindlessly repeating something you read on a forum that kinda sorta maybe sounds like it makes sense.

If you pair an Elixir of Giant Growth with the Kovork toy, you will be taller than nearly all of the Ogres on Azeroth and as tall as many of those on Draenor and Outland. Male Blood Elves will come up to a little over your hips, Male Orcs will be at elbow height, Male Tauren will be at your shoulders. You will tower over every other race, and generally be slightly larger than Ogres necessarily need to be.

And yet, unmounted you will be able to fit through most doors in Orgrimmar, even the small ones. Mounted on “Normal-sized Mounts” (Wolves, Horses, etc.), there is only 1 problematic door in the city & it’s the same one Tauren have issues with.

It’s only when you get onto obnoxiously large mounts, such as Clefthooves, that you start having to regularly dismount before entering buildings. And we already have one playable race that has this issue consistently.

Given that, as a large Ogre –larger than necessary for playable Ogres, and larger than some Ogres in-game– you end up having issues similar to what’s already tolerated from Male Tauren, the “Too big!”-Argument just clearly doesn’t hold any weight.

It doesn’t hold any weight for Ogres, it doesn’t hold any weight for Vrykul.

Please stop repeating stuff that you read on a forum somewhere, especially if you haven’t bothered verifying that information yourself.


English is such a wonky language to be honest. It borrows from every language and the variety of finding a specific word for a specific situation can be fun but it’s also got some wonky rules.

I identify as mostly Genderqueer/NB and even though They has been used as a gender neutral non plural for decades it’s clunky in comparison to English’s other grammar rules.

German for example has words that definitively mean a lot of things depending on context. It’s delightful.

I’m sure French does as well.

Some would say there still isn’t. I still think a lot of the faces look better with dark skin. My Trans male DH has this face that looks like a cross between Indian and African when ypi choose the darker skin tones. It’s kind of awesome.

I still have issues with the Tauren dimorphism though. Even though it honestly makes sense I would love a lady High Mountain with Gigantic Antlers.

Maybe that’s how they could do female Ogres.

Like maybe their size isn’t noticeably smaller but make them almost as feminine as blood elves. Have the females known as stealth hunters and perhaps rogues.

Who wants them?

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Are you someone who only plays one faction? I’m not an alliance player. I’m a wow player, I play both. I just randomly settled on this as my forum avatar (it wasn’t random–she’s fabulous).

If they implement ogres I think it is only appropriate that they do so with horde.



Not all of us pal! Some of us are happy to be a pretty Goblin!

Now if the Horde gets an “ugly” race I want Hozen! Seriously, think of the racial!