How the heck does horde STILL not have playable Ogres?

Horde is stereotyped as being big, dumb, and ugly.

The last thing we need is the epitome of big, dumb, and ugly to join the Horde.

These threads always seem to be started and supported by people posting on Alliance characters.

Make Ogres an Alliance race.


Like junkgnomes?

Well I believe that ogres are one of the most recommended breeds for fans to become playable.

I am only apprehensive about which mockery Blizzard will offer the alliance in return.

I bet on pygmies.

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You can have them after we get Gnome Paladins, Goblin Monks and Mechagnome Druids.


What is this “you”? Everybody wanting Ogres is Alliance.

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People are constantly whining about Kul’Tiran and Pandaren being “thicc”.

I somewhat doubt Ogres would be more popular.

The elevators in Undercity would sometimes kill you if you entered on a mounted Tauren character.

We have experience with big races. Hard pass.


It was the personal ‘you’ directed at the original poster. It was not the plural version of the word.


We need French pronouns in English, so badly. :cry:


Considering that Humans and the elf races make up 60% of all characters, I agree…another “big boned” race would be equally as unpopular as the others

You think you do, but you don’t. Trust me :stuck_out_tongue:

An honest question: why? Assuming players aren’t interested in the RP aspect and just want to play an interesting race, why ogres? They are one of the ugliest humanoid races in the game. And if people got excited about rotund Kul Tirans, I can’t imagine they wouldn’t be the same about basically rotund orcs. They wouldn’t be as big as the ogres in the game, they’d shrink them down to like orc size. So really just bulky orcs.

I just don’t get the fascination.

I mean, so much of English is taken from French (thanks William!), you’d think they could have kept the separate pronouns for 2nd person singular/plural.

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1k likes! Ogres for the dance party! For the horde!


The irony of saying this as a mechagnome :joy:


English took over because it was the first language to heavily simplify itself though.

Its just that much easier to learn as it uses context more heavily.

Idk i learned both as a child so its hard for me to judge but everyone i know that tried to learn French finds it needlessly complex because of that.

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If you put an Ogre head on a Kul Tiran, it works surprisingly well.


Clumsy idiots? You can have Kuk Tirans.



No offense intended to those that actually want ogres.
But I will never ever play one.


You’re a blood elf. Pretty sure no one expected them to appeal to your type


Female ogres should look like Jessica Rabbit.