How TBC should be introduced!

I’m not claiming to be an expert by any means. That is just what the loophole is. There could be other things I don’t know about but honestly I don’t see Russia caring one way or the other about what American companies want.

To me thats the key thing. I am sure there are some countries that are going to get C&D from the us and go well this isnt the law i need to follow and toss it.

I wasn’t including RU in the countries that will only enforce the C&D if there is no version of the game provided by blizzard.

The Classic economy was botched through layer hopping and botting since launch. There’s been irreparable gold inflation and even TBC gold gates, namely epic flying, are pocket change. It throws the entire TBC economy out of whack from day 1 if we just migrate vanilla servers into TBC servers.

I’d have preferred moving from vanilla to TBC, but Blizzard botched everything in Classic.

Must be your server… Most players on the servers I play on now barely have 1k gold. PvP mega servers probably have different problems.

Does not fix the problems of faction and class stacking because you forced them to level to 60 again, and now the optimized class choice reroll warlock or hunter will be 100% the new Zugzug meta. Also by doing this since they have to level any way, they will just say screw it and largely as a community main horde because it has by far the superior PvE racials now that Paladin is now also horde.

Literally no good reason to play alliance on a fresh server for pve players.

This only applies to the hardcore guilds though. I know a ton of casual players who plan to stay alliance.

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I believe you, but consider the world buffs. Who raids without them? I can’t find anyone who doesn’t think they are cool somehow or just do them because everyone is and they don’t want to be the one in raid who didn’t world buff.

The private servers display this kind of behavior in heard mentality, and I still play alliance but it’s hard to find decent players for either pve or pvp.

You can also see this kind of behavior in retail now days, because everyone is horde, making it hard to find competent players on the alliance.

That’s what im afraid of, games like wow are community driven and without the community it’s a empty experience.

We definitely have a botting problem and we definitely had people abusing layering early on. We’re not even close to the large PvP servers, our population is half of Whitemane. I can only imagine how horrific gold inflation is on the most impacted servers.

It’d be nice if a large Classic server only have 2k players on it. Cramming so many players into game world that’s tuned to much lower populations has been causing nonstop economic problems.

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Nah I don’t think so. They could clone the servers and it would cost next to nothing.

I know plenty of guilds who don’t require them.

Even if you’re right why would they do that work when they’re going to have to shut down some classic servers? They have to pay people to do the work. Why even do that when you can force people into tbc and make like 6 new servers for the infitesmally small number of people who will stay perma classic?

I’d rather start fresh but I think what you described is what’s going to happen.

We’ll probably have something akin to the name reservation except it’ll be Classic server reservations. People will decide to have characters transferred/copied to a Classic server and based on those numbers Blizzard will know how many Classic servers to create while the current servers we have now progress to TBC.

I would like to see some sort of “pre-patch” though where the new Races and Professions are out and able to be leveled 1-60 and 1-300 before the Dark Portal opens.

Copying a database is cheap. It would take any of the skilled Data people at blizzard near zero time to even complete the task. So its not a matter of cost or time to just cut paste a data base and make it open to players.

The problems come with some testing that needs to be done and should things go worng as well as the choice of servers to go to.

Moving all the servers to tbc is of course simple. However, it will cause population problems for the servers you need to open for people that do not want to play TBC. So unless your plan is to say tough luck Classic Vanilla people and lose that player set, its hard to not cater to them on some level. If you do your servers lose population more so than they are now. So you have more servers with less people as they try to transfer to the major hubs of faction (kinda like what happened in the live game).

The problem becomes how do you deal with the three groups of people that are going to want to play? Those that want to Stay in classic. Those that want to Progress. Those that want a Fresh start.

Easy problem to solve is to the Fresh people. Giving them a a server or 2 to play on would be easy so not sure why people would be against that.

The difficulty comes from how Progressive and Museum pieces work. How long is the copy period for each group which direction should that copy go, Can blizzard even limit the number of copies you make? While it may not be important to the economy of that part of the game once its in Maitmence its still going to be a limited window that people will copy characters from Live game to Museum piece servers. The changes in population will also need to be addressed. You cant bring every server over as the populations diverge from people that dont want to continue to TBC and people that do as well as the toruists who want to go back to TBC and try to do Kara again.

I really don’t think we will have access to profs and races pre launch. That just increases the number of players in hellfire on launch day. Blizzard has nothing to gain and everything to lose by letting us play them early.

To be fair I’d like them early too but I’m a realist and I understand the world doesn’t revolve around what I want to happen. It’s always important to think about what blizzard will most likely do.

The fact that many servers are arleady over what would be the classic total sever total makes that a fact and worse on larger servers. I fully expect that progressive servers are going to get sharded.

Personally i wish they’d do what they threatened back before tbc launch.
I was on scarlet crusade and they created the scryers and sisters of elune fir us and a few other servers to transfer to for free due to server pop being to large.

At first only a few people transferred. It wasn’t enough so blizzard said they’d force transfer people if enough people didn’t transfer and there was no guarantee your friends or guild would be moved with you. That opened up the flood gates. I transferred with a friends guild after that.

That could be the outcome they use in order to get people to TBC on some level while leaving the Classic servers alone.

I mean they could but imo the classic servers will die out so why leave them to rot when you can keep using them in tbc.

Because thats what a segment of the people playing the game now want. They want to be on those servers and play those characters and get t3 on every char while pvping forever in 1.12.

I dont understand it but i have seen that opinion aspoused quite often