Today’s the day! How stressed out are you guys to get your perfect name? I know it’s ridiculous, but I also know, you’ll be pissed if you hop on a second too late and someone nabbed it lol
How many back ups do you guys have? I’m all in on one name with no back ups so I’m not doing too great 
Probably not as stressed as Thex.
Not stressed. I think my name is unique enough that it won’t get taken. Considering I have this name on multiple chars in retail, I’m not too concerned.
I have 9 names to reserve across 3 accounts. 3 were taken in stress test. This time I wont be jumping right into the game though to try to get ahead of the pack. Im confident I will get all 9.
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I’ve gotten my name every stress test, on all the available servers - I’m not too concerned. just EXCITED!
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Cheering for you so much man! Gotta get that one name. I have two I really want, but a wall of backups for when everything goes terribly wrong. Like that thunderstorm headed for my city around launch time… giga stress but very excite :'DDD
I don’t recycle names so the next name is going to be invented tonight
One for alliance, one for horde.
Not in the least, only time you really need to worry about reserving your name is if it’s something really simple. If someone does take the name I’m planning then hey, I’ll be happy I didn’t waste half of my sub for something I can’t play in 2 more weeks anyway.
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ewwwww literally the only reason to play alliance is to make a paladin so when tbc rereleases you can faction change and transfer them to your mains server
As long as I get xxxsephirothxxx I’m happy… 
I will just spam the randomize button until something pops up that doesn’t suck
It’s more choosing my class and race that’s stressing me out, not just the name. This will be a permanent decision. For those of us that are still somewhat undecided, very stressed.
youll probably be hitting randomize for a couple weeks
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I really hope he gets his name, poor guy was just trying to start a conversation 
I’m retired, so I have the time 
what I did is make a excel file having the number of names I can reserve then taking my favorite 9 and putting a class for each one as well as their race. I screen capped it and made it my backround so I can have it on a second monitor and use it as a check sheet just incase I am forgetful when the time comes
Sounds like a great plan. I’ll be at work unfortunately,so I’ll be taking my laptop and will be ready at 6. I have my names on a notepad, along with races and classes. But, I’ve joined a few guilds and one is yet undecided on a server, so that creates a bit of an issue.
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Stressed? No. I got a few names that I would like to have but, I have years of experience in the art of thinking up character names in the fly.
I know im going rp-pvp so server isn’t an issue since there is only 1, unfortunately being PST and not CST or EST