How Solo friendly is rogue?

Just curious, compared to bm hunter, how solo friendly is a rogue? Im more curious about overland pve like soloing elite rares and stuff.

really depends on the rare and ilvl, if they are immune to all forms of CC it can be hard or if they have some sort of heal and such. Rogue sustain is not the best. If you keep up with ilvl doing M+ and raid you will have a better time but still not as good of a time as BM hunter that has a tank to take the damg for you while you damg the mobs.

Normal elites and such are not bad, at like 385ish I was able to solo the mobs around the obsidian keep to do the weekly quest and such.

If you want my recommendation for a class and all you wanna do is solo open world things id say go tank, DH tanks are really good at it with barely any ilvl at all you will be able to solo anything short of the world boss due to their sustain and decent damg output.

It can be pretty rough normally its a dps race

I think they are basically on opposite sides of the spectrum for solo content. It’s definitely a struggle to fight a group target as a Rogue. If they can’t be CC’d, it’s almost impossible. Unless, you are in amazing gear, of course.
There will always be a quest here or a quest there where being a Rogue feels amazing due to the interactable thing not breaking stealth. Or, us being able to use pickpocket or lockpick to progress. But, that’s very inconsistent, unfortunately.

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Ill but it this way If I could boost to lvl 70 I would of as a rogue. I hated leveling as rogue like my god

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Thanks so much! This has been really helpful

Just depends on your gear. I imagine when you play BM and your pet dies over and over because of low ilvl gear its not much more fun than being forced to vanish as a rogue.

I play outlaw/sub rogue main at 410 ilvl and I can solo brackenhide rares if no one is around. Again just depends on your gear and of course knowing how to play your class too.

BM pet usually doesn’t die. You can keep spamming a really strong heal on it, and if you have a ferocity pet it also has a ton of leech and a major self heal (back to full health) as well. You also have two pets, so there’s lots of time to revive it before mobs come to you (and you can turtle while reviving if they do). Soloing is basically night and day different between BM hunter and rogue.


Basically my answer to the original question is “not very”. You can solo rares that you are massively overgeared for, but I can’t solo any of the Forbidden Reach rares on my (~390) outlaw rogue, and I can solo almost all of them on my BM hunter. (Everything except the guy with the dragon in the tower.)


I reported as many of these I could during DF beta and it wasn’t until about a month after launch that some were fixed, but they were fixed.

Sooner or later, Griftah will rise again!!!


I find that I can solo quite a bit on my 392 sub rogue. Evasion, Feint and CoS are amazing mitigation tools but our self healing is total trash now. My main issue is that a lot of our damage is loaded into reopening from stealth and of course mods will reset and go to full health on vanish/stealth. Sooooo…it is a bit of a drag to just chip away at a fraction of your damage potential.

I leveled a lock back in early SL and I’m not sure I’ll ever really solo elites/tough content on anything else. I’m sure hunters are even easier.

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I’m a returning player, and I’ve main Rogue since TBC (2007, the original, not Classic WoW). I’ve been on and off since MoP, but I’ve given a shot to every expansion ever since.

Like some posters here already explained, I suppose that solo Rogue if you’re well geared is viable, but never in my experience has been more challenging leveling (i.e: getting to the level where you can really start gearing your toon) Rogue solo than in Dragonflight. First Zone level 60 there is a quest where you need to face huge Fire and Earth elementals, I was utterly destroyed in my Rogue, even after using all my offensive and defensive CDs. Never since leveling in WoW I felt more frustrated.

I also main MM Hunter, and the very same quest was a breeze (my pet even could survive the whole encounter!).

I was able to finish it in the Rogue when another player doing the quest allowed me to kill the mobs.

Fast forward, another quest in the Centaur area, where my toon is challenged to fight some elementals, they come in groups, and the AoE is extremely weak, again, utterly destroyed.

I think that the issue (leveling, without good gear) is that the class is too squishy and too reliant of having a tank absorbing the damage. I personally think (Assassination) that the Damage output is OK, it’s the inability to absorb damage, and the lack of a good AoE what makes solo leveling the class so hard.

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I can solo most of the elites in DF in the overworld and have been able to since like 385 Ilvl pretty comfortably.

I can solo some of the rares in base DF zones depending on bleeds and if I can CC.

I cannot solo crap I can’t CC or any of the isle elites.

I can kill mobs for skinning or quests in 2-3 globals, occasionally one global if my instant damage gear procs just pop off.

I can aoe very very well as subtlety. 8-10 normals mobs are easy and they go down in like 6-7 globals if that. Elites probably 2-3 at a time outside brackenhide area.

TLDR; Compared to a BM hunter, the difference is unfriendly at best.


It took me 3 tries to kill the zerka boss on a 376 rogue just because i didn’t have all my cd’s up.

You can’t farm trash mobs in the world. Sap is gimmicky. Its really realllly sad.

TLDR: Probably the absolute worst class to solo atm. Really bad baseline stats per ilvl. Specs are entirely built around extended fights so single trash mobs take forever to kill but your healing is so bad elites are an issue.


I successfully duo’ed the Thaldraszaszasz Grand Hunt Frog yesterday with a devoker who didn’t know they could heal. It gave me the confidence that I could have also solo’ed it, but it would’ve taken much longer. I’m pretty low gear, so it’s not a question of brute force… Here’s a recap of that “solo” adventure:

Frog is immune to CC and hits hard.
Open with all cooldowns and evasion and dump as much damage into the frog during the evasion window.
When evasion drops, back off and rely on kiting tactics.
Tactics are:

  1. Unless otherwise written, always stay out of melee range
  2. Pool energy while at around 10-15 yd distance,
  3. When enemy casts any AoE abilities, enter melee range and dump energy on generating and finishers, try to end each of these mini-phases with as many CPs as possible, saving if the cast is almost done (it’s better to begin a mini phase with full CPs because skills like SnD can be reapplied at a range)
  4. When cast is near complete, begin kiting again
  5. Use ranged generator to avoid capping on energy
  6. Cloak at 30% character HP range to avoid AoE damage
  7. Abuse Vial as much as possible, trying to keep health high
  8. When Evasion is back up, use another major damage phase with all cooldowns
  9. Depending on spec, you can do some other things… If you’re multidance sub, you can use Shadow Dance for some extra damage and recovery (letting you eat a hit or two); if you’re outlaw, the CDR on Evasion from Float helps you build an extra major damage phase or two. I did this as Outlaw with no RTB.

This is an extremely long encounter around kiting like a troll and waiting to do your damage.

Versus BM:
Use Mend Pet on cooldown.
Shoot the frog.