How SL actually is Alt friendly

How to effeciently do every piece of content in SL covanents:

What you need:

  • 4 mains at level 60 that are one plate
  • one mail that can use a bow, gun, and shield,
  • one leather that can use daggers, swords and staffs and fist weapons
  • one cloth that can use staves
  • catch up reknown level to cap allowed each main

What you need To Do:

  • get one unique cov to level cap for each main
  • have each main get exhalted with every SL faction with an ilevel of 200 or above
  • collect enough grateful offerings at capped out cov to buy up every cosmetic and mounts in reknown vendor of every cov for each main
  • after buying up every reknown item, switch to all 4 covs and buy every item for each cov for every main based on gear type
  • farm mount drops that are cov based, and switch covs as needed to get the mounts
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Let me know when we get a mail wearing class who can do this.

Anyway, I think it’s a nice idea, but in my opinion it would be more alt friendly if you could collect all that stuff without the tedium of getting the covenant halls EACH capped out and then going through the process of swapping covenants and losing almost all that progress. It would be more alt friendly if there was less set up and work before the fun started.

That stuff can be fun on it’s own, but when it’s planned out like this it just becomes homework or a chore, or a weird combo of both.


Which are mostly Covenant specific. So even if you get them on alts you can only use most of them if the character is that covenant.

SL isn’t too terrible when it comes to alts. Nothing like the nightmare that was the beginning of Legion.

The renown catch up is pretty freaking fast, gearing isn’t too hard (just buy ilevel 200 and a 230 from the AH) and with 9.1 anima pretty much rains from the sky. It’s also nice that my alts are on the same level of Torghast as my main. The Korthia and Maw skips are pretty sweet too.

I guess the only thing that sucks is legendaries(?)


i predict in the future, they’ll let us use them across all alts once next expansion hits, not to mention every mount you gain gives you the 250 mount achieve mount for those that don’t have it yet

I haven’t touched an alt in a while. Is there a skip for the intro quest yet?

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No :frowning:

Nobody can figure out why they put all these great skips in but they refuse to let us skip that. Talk about a waste of 40+ minutes of your life.


yes there is, in oribos there’s an npc that let’s you do everything over again, or skip, it’s in one of the wings

*exasperated expression
*growls angrily

well, you guys complained a lot about not being alt friendly, so they’re attempting to make it alt friendly one system at a time, this is a step in the right direction, if this scandal doesn’t kill the company first

This makes no sense.

He’s talking about the quest from Org to the Maw then to Oribos.

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and that’s what i’m talking about, you can skip all that, and go right into the content, the catch is that you have to have a main that has done all of the questing once

Ok you better not be talking out of your rear because my hopes are up.

So you’re saying I can port an alt to Oribos and skip the intro? And you have tried this?

For science!

Be right back.

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I’m a bit worried about his silence now.

Please report your findings!

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i’m not, i discovered it by accident one day when i couldn’t do dungeons, and found out you could switch between from scratch and skip, skip unlocks the dungeons, scratch locked dungeons behind the campeign questing, once you’re caught up, you’ll still have to quest to get reknown levels faster, but not required with 9.1s catchup reknown

Ok, so I hadn’t done anything with my priest except log in once to start rested exp gaining a year ago. Still had the original go to org and find out what happens quest. Talked to darion, got sent to Icecrown, did the thing with the helm, and got sent to the maw. Couldn’t find anyone saying I’ve heard all this before. If there is a skip, a legitimate skip, then they hid it well.

I’m going to get on a fresh alt and see if I can get a port to Oribos.

If you have to buy your way to Oribos, is that technically pay-to-win?

I meannnn… I have 3 toons at 60. We are able to skip much of the storyline, only having to go back if we need a specific soulbind. You can skip right to Korthia.

Sooo, idk seems pretty alt friendly to me. Especially with Korthian Armaments!