How SL actually is Alt friendly

probably no one really knows about it, let me link the npc:


And itā€™s terrible.

That is AFTER you run through the Maw the first time. We are looking for a way to skip the maw and go straight from Orgrimmar to Oribos without so much as a toe tip into there.

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dude, the intro quests are like 30 minutes long, not that inconvenient, once in oribos, you can skip everything and just farm reknown quickly

Iā€™m calling shenanigans and he did get my hopes up. Iā€™m angry!

So hereā€™s my alt talking to Roh-Tahl:

He only says this:

Hereā€™s proof I still have the intro quest:
Hereā€™s The Enclave:

Wrong. This is another thing I tested. Did it on a fresh Druid and it took 43 minutes and thatā€™s with my stealthing past all mobs I could, being able to mount up, blowing all cooldowns on elite fights and going through escorts and squawking with Jaina.


if yo

if you canā€™t switch, then you never finished the campeign questlines on a main

Right, right. I fell asleep and woke up at renown level 53 or where ever Iā€™m at :roll_eyes:

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roughly 30 minutes, stop making something out of nothing, or do wee need to take it outside?

Thatā€™s 43 minutes on a class that can stealth and mount plus I was trying to do it as fast as possible. For normal people thatā€™s not trying to race or has never done it, thatā€™s 50 minutes to an hour of listening to Jaina squawk and Thrall talk about his heft.

They gave us a 30 minute skip in Legion. They gave us a 30 minute skip in BfA. Why canā€™t we have a 30 minute skip in SL?


And a skip for WoD too.

But wasnā€™t that some tomfoolery about finding a secret cave on the Timeless Isle?

Yes but thereā€™s now an even easier route. The point is, there are skips for WoD intro so you donā€™t have to do that stupid jungle quest.

p.s. I havenā€™t tried the ā€œnewā€ WoD skip. All my alts are 50 or above.

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donā€™t think so, think you got a charm gain buff that have you better loot drops in LFR, then you had 150 valor each heroic random you got to catch up gear levels, but in panda, catchup wasnā€™t fast enough, the grind still outlived the life of the expansion, pandaā€™s fatal flaw back then

Hello Kaurmine here with another friendly reminder

Dudeā€¦ I donā€™t think you understand at all what weā€™re talking about. Not trying to be mean, just stating a fact.

Yeah I think I get it and if so I think youā€™re right. To me SL is pretty alt friendly (with room for improvement) because my main focus is mount farming but for the guy that raids on 5 different toons (just as an example) it might not be friendly for him.

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should be more alt friendly for raiders than for mount farmers, you just need to be 60, then 158, once 158 head to korthia, do the dailys, get the gear, farm the korthia elites to upgrade gear a bit, youā€™re on your way to LFR before real raiding or find a carry group in mythics

Yeah sure why not.

So, itā€™s alt friendlyā€¦if you only have four alts to worry about.

I think the answer is ā€œdepends on what your goal is.ā€