How’s shaman doing

Idk about boomkin but Resto druid looks to be doing really well. Resto Shaman and Boom seem to be in a similar place on World of Wargraphs

Not really interested in healing. Is elemental better pick over balance for pvp?

Like some others have stated, elemental is in good place its not too good and its not too bad middle of the pack currently. (Until blizz nerfs us into the ground in 8.2 just calling it now) You wont have to work as hard as balance to push out the numbers as you would elemental. Both are completely viable currently in pvp but balance is going to have more easy throughput than elemental.

So basically ele requires more work to do similar damage.

I guess it boils down to mogs and utility then.

Yes, if its utility however Ele is going to edge out balance. The totems we have for utility purposes are pretty great and not only effect us but those around us as well and you get to turn people into frogs. i mean that alone is great.

Why are you trying to use my quote as complaining? Did you even read that thread?

Well the issues I see with balance it has no slows. Not to mention you’re basically a Turkey or a smurf.

Do you pve/pvp with your current build?

Im pve Heals currently. I mostly dabble into ele pvp when the weekly pops up. However these are all things I’ve discovered when I began to pvp more.

yes and Balance has dots, instant cast starsurge which is the bulk of their damage and generate power passively innately. They can put out their pressure without casting if they are targeted. ELE on the other hand is severely gimped in that regard, as we have no passive maelstrom generation other than Totemic Mastery, which you have to spec into.

all those so called build are just 2 talents combined that anyone with half a brain can read and see what they do…lol.

I was unaware that the ability to read means we can’t call talent builds talent builds… Also have not seen anyone this upset over the word “build”, which appropriately describes what they are and have been called for as long as I can remember.

Remember when I mentioned losing brain cells on these forums? If you look between that comment and this one about 85% of what’s written definitely did that for me lmao

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Sure, what exactly do you think a build is if its not x many talents/abilities that people can plainly read being combined together with synergy or reason?

anyone with brain cells can read the very few talents they we have and im the first to come up with all the hunter builds then since no other forum puts 2 talents together and calls it a build…lmao.

my ki/cs,moc and db beast builds i just made up by putting 2 talents together…lmao.

Please educate us. What is your definition of the term “Build”?

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So pvp as ele isnt so great at least in comparison to balance?

I’ve been on the fence about a ranged class for a while. Just hearing a lot of mixed opinions on ele. I am looking for something pretty solid.

This sounds to me more like lack of experience with the spec, because for me it flows without an issue.

Like what? Master of the Elements? The Elementals?

Yeah i have see them too, first time someone gives me answer when i ask them what exactly was “clunky” for them. So makes me think they didn’t even know what they were talking about.

I can say the same about every spec, won’t denie that there are some that are more forgiving like most melee specs or for example BM Hunter, but every spec gotta do their rotation right.

And this where it comes what i said m8, that you lack experience. MOTE comes after every Lava Burst use, you use it and you get MOTE.

So let’s say you cast Ice Fury and you got 2 Lava Burst stacks you cast the first one then Frost Shock, cast the second Lava Burst and Frost Shock again. If you get a Lava Burst Proc you use it and use the Frost Shock after it. In all theses cases you got a Frost Shock with a MOTE extra damage.

I could say that’s a fair assumption, but maybe is because you have more experience with your Lock or Mage so you have way less issues with the rotation.

And this the thing.

I can put myself as an example, the first week of BoD Igneous Potential wasn’t the best trait yet so i was using the Storm Elemental and Primal Elementalist build.

In the 2nd week it got buffed so it was time to change to the Ice Fury MOTE Build and i can even look for the post if you are interested because there were a lot of us talking about it and i didn’t denie that i was struggling with it. But the weeks passed and i keep on playing it, now i feel much more confident with it.

It’s all about practice man.

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Just by appealing to worldofwargraphs the best dps caster spec is Shadow Priest and then Balance Druid. Keep in mind that site shows the most played specs with a 1800 rating meaning its possible the classes with low representation are still powerful but criminally underplayed.

TBH i was looking around for the crying threads and there is a lot of crying in that one. What i didn’t know is that i was probably copy pasting the link when i was at your quote so it puts your quote there.

Nothing against you.