How real is the Night Elf in the Refrigerator trope?

Kind of like that? ^

My post is being “reviewed” and I suspect it is going to be removed, and I will probably get silenced because, despite me not attacking anyone in particular, my post was flagged in inappropriate by someone who likely read it and applied it to themselves. To whom I suggest you look inwardly at your own ideas instead of trying to stop others from voicing their own.

Took Blizz less than an hour to respond to that flag… Weird, takes them 20 hours to respond to blatant trolling, but once talk about feminism hits the table, they are suddenly the most efficient mod-team in the world.


I dont really think it is a sexism thing in all honesty i more think it is the writters just using the dying race to arrogant to learn trope. They do this because it is easy not because we cant have women in charge or anything. As far as the windrunner sisters ill say 2 put of 3 are self insert but only nalthanos seemed to do nothing to actully earn the respect and love of the woman they came to love. At least from what i remember it has been forever.

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At least you’re a tad bit self-aware.


I said nothing inappropriate, merely started sought to discuss things of a mature nature. I admit, that might have been foolish, considering where I am. Still, it does not permit you to abuse the reporting system.

That is very possible, but its quite frustrating still. I am not entirely convinced that is their only motivation, though. I think it too much contradicts the Night Elves original designs. And I think the presence of using night elves as a narrative staple for male protagonists, is also telling.

Broxigar, Rhonin, Saurfang, Anduin, and Varian are all characters off the top of my head, who have been furthered at the expense of Night Elf women. We can even add Malfurion to that list in the novel Stormrage, and the “Hush Tyrande” situation.


She told him the same thing with “Only the goddess may deny me anything.” so I don’t really see the issue. They’re both dismissive of eachother.

Well there is honestly apprently an admitted bias aginst the night elves themselves. So this might be more a case of they dont like the race snd the race just happens to matrichical over targeting it because it is so.


I’m glad this thread turned into a pity party like all Night Elf threads become.

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This is where I lean.

I mean, every AR except the Void Elves is led by a strong, independent woman. This entire expansion is about women being the movers and shakers of the world (who’s also female), in the form of Jaina, Sylvanas, and Azshara, and to a lesser extent Tyrande and Talanji, with Malfurion and Nathanos just along for the ride, and Rastakhan hurriedly killed off to elevate his daughter.

I more suspect the hand of apathy towards the Night Elves on the part of the writers, rather than finding “ists”, “isms”, and “phobias” under ever rock and in every shadow




A bit different when Kaldorei Culture is supposed to be Matriarchal.

Maybe? But that is kind of what everyone says regarding concerns of women.

They said its not because we are women, they said its because of biology, or our personality, or the clothes we wear. I feel like I would be a disservice to women by writing off the issue as something that isn’t motivated by sexism, yet it is still impacting the way women are portrayed in media. Again the “Woman in the refrigeration” trope, where the woman is not her own self, but rather a narrative device. An object for the man to lose.

True, but they happen to be oblivious to the obvious implications of what they are doing to a race that happens to appear matriarchal in the age of “woke” social pandering.



That’s probable. We know they’ve locked themselves high in the ivory tower of their no-negativity dojo. They’re most likely oblivious to a great many of our criticisms, valid or not, other than just a sense of vague discontent.

I saw. I’ve been lurking here and the Discord most of the day, waiting on this PTR to possibly drop. I know it will as soon as I fall asleep.



Actual Blizzard response:

“I think it had its moment where we told some of its story and it got its revenge for the Lich King. I don’t think we’re exploring its story too much more in Legion or the Shadowlands though.

Here’s two toothpicks made from the shards, if you want."


All threads either devolve into either
A) Horde did nothing wrong.
B) Horde did all the wrong.
C) Night Elf support group.


Truth can be found in repetition.


Do you … not understand the meaning of the word “Subjective”?

You may not find the Horde characters compelling, but personally I love our roster. I truly adore Thrall; Saurfang; Rokhan; Baine; Lor’themar; etc… I love the diverse cultures that comprise the faction (and YES I mean the current composition of the faction). I like the potential storytelling that could come from newcomers like Talaanji, Geya’rah, Thalyssra, and yes … even Mayla (and I’d be ALL on board for the Kelfin to join). Just about the only characters I dislike on the Horde are those that have a long history of merely using the faction and its people for personal gain (Sylvanas and Gallywix) … but hopefully we’ll get replacements for them soon.

On the other hand, its the Alliance and their leaders (at least those that are focused on, not the Council of Three Hammers; the Gilneans; and the Gnomes) that I find relatively bland and a little too fixated on the past. But, that’s MY subjective taste isn’t it?


The same people copy-pasting the same complaints repeatedly isn’t truth, it’s creepy.

No I understand, I wasn’t saying compelling on a personal level but rather meta level.

What neutral organization is any of the characters you named be part of?
Imagine the next Argus and Vindicaar.

You got alliance races, machinery and background relevant to the expansion and have the compelling aspect for both sides to follow.
Outside of their own faction the Horde characters just don’t have any relevance. Maybe Bwonsamdi would become a character that becomes some sort of guide but besides him who else is there?

Most of the Alliance races don’t have this problem and hence why they are more compelling than the Horde. This is just an unfortunate reality of playing Horde and I can’t think of anything that would allow them to participate more without it impacting the story negatively.

Like can you imagine orcs or some other Horde race trying to insert themselves in the Argus patch? That would have been terrible!

This just seems like a razor situation where this is more likely stupidy than malice. If that makes it sexism by accident i guess it is.