How real is the Night Elf in the Refrigerator trope?

Don’t forget the mass graves outside Theramore. Had to do that whole scenario in Theramore after the bomb dropped seeing all the bodies froze.


While we are on the subject, Anderhol is still a sore spot as far as I’m concerned. Menthil Harbor is half submerged. The prized Kul tiran fleet is in tatters not to mention the Horde end up slaughtering Brennadam. Varian dead after he got his spotlight in MoP. All the night elven leaders from Warcraft 3 are still alive.

The ironforge ones have not suffered. Mostly, the dark irons were slaves of ragnaros for a thousand years. Most of Northeron ended up a Twilight Cultist paradise. Bael Modan, the dwarven stronghold of Kalimdor is now a ruin with both its leader(and the father of said leader) dead.

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So, they’re a victim of the same lack of phasing as Ashenvale. But they got an in-game dungeon to resolve the plot of the zone, and bring those responsible to justice. Instead of a “Yeah, Defias is gone, I suppose.” tweet.

I admit I’d have to have my memory of the Rogue questline refreshed, but I don’t think the entire zone is burned down with no survivors. Speaking of burning, we did the whole “lol, evil cultist Night Elves” thing in Hyjal/Firelands.

Taking these three at once to say it’s my fault, but I should have clarified the playable Stormwindian Humans, in contrast to the equally playable Night Elves.

Last I was there, Light’s Hope, and the predominantly Human Argents were the main power im the region, and it was actively being resettled by Humans.

And Jaina’s gone on to rule two more kingdoms afterwards, and grow in power and influence to eclipse even the Night Elves in the fight against their former Queen.

Tyrande got a pair of black contacts, and an interview saying her vengeance was achieved.


You know BfA is not over yet right? I still suspect the night elves will get something else at the end of all this.

Most were evil cultist, those who were not were killed. As I recall the survivors were all bunkered down in one house.

Nethergarde was being maintined by Stormwind. And the Stormwind humans had to live with a crater in their city for 3 entire expansions.

Hyjal is also mostly reclaimed with the Firelord’s forces all but decimated.

Tyrande lost her city this expansion, why not wait at least as long as the time it took jaina to get to where she is now.

Can we all just agree the murlocs have lost thre most they cant even try to set up a village without getting killed.


True, but they have now got those Tribes as part of the council now Dark irons seem to be in control of Black rock mountain as well which is another full capital, Though I suppose they are they’re own race.

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And the invasion of Ashenvale happened in Cataclysm. The same time as Westfall. With no resolution outside of a tweet, and a passing mention in a novel.

Because she’s already been unceremoniously been dropped from the story, both from Darkshore and Nazjatar.

We had a deluge of content for Jaina in the aftermath of Theramore. Novels, quests, scenarios. The Purge of Dalaran. The Isle of Thunder.


Yes but jaina has human potencial something elves sadly lack thus tyrande can only do so much without a human around


And Furbolgs. They fall into corruption and have to be killed to the last if the Horde, or any other villain, so much as looks at them funny.


Its still the same expansion man, literally one patch, Give it time Tyrande and co will be back in the story, night elves get content every xpac.

you also got Shandris content which is something.

Siege of Ogrimmar ends with Ashenvale being secured by the Alliance.

You see the thing about Blizzard is as long as a character has not been killed off(and something not even then) it means they usually will pop up sooner or later. And those that do get spotlights usually fade after the expansion ends. I dont expect we will see much of Jaina after BfA unless it is for supporting roles.

Tyrande has had a role to play in many of the same novels Jaina had. The three War of Ancient novel, Stormrage, Wolfheart, Warcrimes, Illidan.

As for quests, lets count, Tyrande was part of a “little patience”(and before you say anything the purge did Jaina no favors either), most of Val’sharah, the invasion of Suramar, she was with us during the siege,

Hey, and if you’re right, the Night Elf fans will be happy (unless the Night Elves just get used for bad plot advancement again, which would actually be worse than being ignored).

Though, if you’re both wrong, the perception is that frankly neither of you would come out as caring, and if neither of you do, makes me wonder why you’re participating in discussing Night Elves if you’re not actually interested in them.


Tides of War, the Divine Bell, the Purge, and the Isle of Thunder were all in MoP, with War Crimes being transitional between MoP and WoD.

Because we reached the end of her arc. An arc that leads to a forced, artificial end of her arc, that ends up mostly back where she started, but an arc nonetheless. Tyrande was dropped. From stories that directly affected her.

All of which predate Teldrassil and its aftermath? Jaina’s content was her dealing with Theramore. Same for quest content. She got black contacts, and vanished.


Alright where was jaina in 5.3 during barrens… she wasn’t anywhere. Gosh was she left out of one patch. Blasphemy

Hey look I agree she should have had some content in Naz but they used Shandris instead. However Jaina still needs to be there you know as admiral of the Kultirian fleet that crashed into the ocean floor.

Even a Throw away line from shandris saying that Tyrande was busy and cannot be here as she was pushing the Horde back towards Ashenvale and the night elves were making headway would have been good.

However I doubt we are done with Tyrande this expansion but crying that she isn’t as present as Jaina just sounds petty.

Lets get some story about the Dwarves… or Draenai they haven’t done much this expac.

I mean, we’ve reached the point in the MoP retread where much of Jaina’s content had already happened (Naz=Isle of Thunder), and Tyrande’s only shown up once, briefly.

It’s all downhill from here, with Sylvanas’ grand keikaku, and lots of tentacles.

That’s a separate complaint altogether, that I actually agree with. Teldrassil was and is a big deal. But a faction war expac would also be a great time to catch up with the lesser seen parts of said faction. Especially as Ironforge’s military should be large, and mostly unscathed. It’s poor representation vs. no representation.

Edit: And I’m still kind of torn on Mechagon. On one hand, I’m thrilled there’s finally Gnome content. On the other, it feels kinda cheap, as most of them aren’t our Gnomes (yet, I suppose they will be if the Mechagnomes become an AR).

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That much we can agree on, However lets hope the Night elves atleast get hurt the horde. Before we are all forced to hold hands and follow Anduin and his superfriends group with the Horde.

Hopefully. But, between the “she got her revenge” interview, and Jaina, Anduin, and the rebellion pushing the #NotAllHorde narrative, I wouldn’t put money on it.


I do really Hope they back pedal on that, and allow the Alliance to do SOMETHING to the Horde this expansion that is shown in game through phased content.

I might have accepted BOD as acceptable if they destroyed the city or it showed any evidence of the invasion but it doesn’t.

Yeah it will be a real let down as they just force Alliance to work along side characters. At the same time never giving Horde players a real reason to still hate the Alliance.

While there are a few good points, I feel let down and left wanting by the Alliance in BfA. There are so many interesting facets bubbling under the surface that could have been used if we could get off Anduin’s leash for five seconds.

The vengeance of the Night Elves. The savagery of the Worgen. The zealotry of the Draenei. The grudges of the Kul Tirans. The sketchiness of the Dark Irons. Etc

This has been the Alliance all of post- Wrath to me. Blizzard went out of their way to centralize everything, all so they could just forget about them until the Horde does another bad thing to galvanize them into doing something. And how do they usually influence the Alliance to do anything? By beating up night elves.