How real is the Night Elf in the Refrigerator trope?

Sometimes you have to wonder why blizz has never just said okay noghtelves all died all night elf players get a free reroll to human

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Thats Just Hyperbole,

They’re are far more Night elves than worgen, they going to remove them from the game as well?

We haven’t seen many dwarves either, They going to be removed? what about Draenei?


It is just a joke an exaggeration of the seeming dislike of night elves blizz sometimes seems to have.

Certain players take it pretty seriously though. Humans in the game struggle to be interesting because the only representation we get is Anduin and Jaina who are about as interesting in Sliced bread at the moment.

Varian at least was an interesting character

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Yep he was great and yeah but i tend to subscribe to the idea the writters hate everyone.

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Good point, I mean they are writing WARcraft but treating it like a Carebears episode featuring Anduin Heart bear who wants to hug everyone.

Blizzard needs a Writer who can write WAR not someone who is using the game as a mouth piece about why peace and love is the only solution.

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It seens a good portion of people sre tired of the cycle that at the start of stiries horde and alliance are fighting thrn bigger threat come along and they get along. They should just get rid of faction war nonsense.

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Except for Anduin and Jaina, you are correct.

True enough i was thinking more on race terms

Really, the night elf storyline for all intents and purposes ended in WC3. That’s the thing about most fantasy elves, they’re fundamentally static characters at heart and don’t really do well in dynamic storytelling. Night elves as savage forest guardians doesn’t work when they’re equal partners in a worldwide military alliance, and night elves as purple pointy-eared humans leaves people wondering what the point is.

Night Elves as savage forest guardians also don’t work in a alliance with races that’s big on industrialization and big cities.

Goblins too!

The entire Goblin starting zone is you losing everything and everyone you’ve ever known to the Cataclysm, being crammed onto a refugee ship that gets promptly sunk, and being one of the few survivors to wash up on a deserted island.

While other races have lost homelands in their backstory, I think Goblins are the only race in which you directly experience such a scenario.


No, it leaves them as the 2nd most widely played race in the game. 3rd after the introduction of pink pointy-eared humans. :stuck_out_tongue:

First off, why would we be blame as not caring? We dont have a say in what Blizzard does or does not do. If anything you should know what I predict will happen/want to happen. I have said multiple time I think Blizzard will give the night elves(and Forsaken) a new capital/capital hub if you prefer the term. Considering Zandalar/Boralus are awesome I expect whatever new capital they will get will end up eclipsing their old one.

Second, I have said numerous time I care about the night elves. Certain if you look at some my older post I have defended Tyrande. As long as the night elves are part of the Alliance you should know I would care about their fate.

Minus the last part I agree with you. The worgens have a more or less smilar experience of losing their homeland.

The worgen were able to evacuate Gilneas in a relatively organized manner, although after the worgen plague it’s hard to say how many survivors there were.

The worst thing about a Little Patience is that all you had to do with it… was switch Varian and Tyrande’s roles around and BOOM. Just like that, its perfect.

They both stay in character, Varian gets his hot-headedness curbed, Tyrande uses her thousands of years of experience to teach Varian a valuable lesson about jungle/guerrilla warfare, and Varian learns best how to utilize certain night elf troops.

Truly, a valuable experience worthy of a future high king. Why in GOD’S NAME DID THEY NOT DO IT THIS WAY JFC


Because 1. Blizzard doesn’t let their chosen characters “fail” outside of some plot magic, and 2. the fanboys would interpret it as Varian being woefully unqualified instead of learning a valuable lesson.

Sometimes the greatest teacher is failure. That is a lesson Blizzard wrote into MoP that they didn’t fully understand.


I don’t know. Tyrande has always been written with an impulsive and self-righteous streak (how many Wardens did she cut down to spring Illidan?). It’s part of why her and Malfurion balance each other out.


Impulsive to the point of being suicidal? Nor does it help that the Orcs were dumbed down to be suicidally inept as well to make Varian look “smart.” Tyrande was never portrayed as that stupid.

how many Wardens did she cut down to spring Illidan?

They disobeyed their high priestess.


You should join the Story Forum Discord. We need more level headed nelf fans that can construct well thought points like you do.