How real is the Night Elf in the Refrigerator trope?

They might hate both as they are bately mentioned curse manarith fir the blood curse kil’jadrn for setting it up

I don’t think anyone has mentioned anything about corruption (of main universe orcs) in an age and a half. Gul’dan was hunted because he was corrupting alter-Draenor, and then leading the Legion to Azeroth. Mannoroth hasn’t been mentioned at all in years, short of as a sub boss in Alter-Hellfire Citadel’s raid.

The idea that it’s some grand secret seems dubious and implies the orcs are the only race in Azeroth too stupid to know what Kil’jaeden was.


Mannoroth was killed and featured twice in WoD and was the central figure in the Orc redemption story back in WC3 which was referenced in WoD.
I don’t think what you are saying is too accurate here.

At least they weren’t Eredar stupid to believe Sargeras.

That is true central cultural figure to the new horde

I mentioned Mannoroth in WoD. I mained Horde. There was no grand quest about him unless it was in the raid. I don’t even remember him being discussed by a (main universe) Horde character to be frank unless you count Garrosh in the pre-story when he was explaining things to Grom.

Because in WoD the first thing Garrosh does is undo the past by foiling both Gul’dan and Mannoroth’s plan to curse the orcs.

Mannoroth was killed and the warlocks imprisoned, You meet them when you first enter Dreanor.
Because of this failed plan the AU Orcs won’t really mention Mannoroth because he never became that iconic figure of their curse.
But Gul’dan did remain to be nuisance despite him being supported by Archimond and probably Kil’Jaeden.

Its like someone kills baby hitler. If he never rises to power then he would not become the symbol that he became.

That isn’t remotely what I said.

I said he’d seem a remote agency. Not a secret one. As in, compared to the orcs who actually sold the orcs up a river out of hubris and outright malicious lust for power, he’s kind of a vague and distant manipulator. It’s a lot less personal than the demon whose literal blood made them slaves to bloodlust or the orc who served it up chilled.

They’re not stupid, they’re just aware that Gul’dan and Ner’zhul are the ones who actually sold them out, and that’s a far more personal and tangible vendetta than the eredar who suggested it to them. After all, neither orc had to betray the rest. They chose to. And betrayal by one’s own kind stings a lot more than the knowledge that the idea to do so was suggested by an alien demon.

Reallt seems like nlizz should flesh out orc culture as more than random bouts of muh honor and genocide

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But he didn’t foil it, because Kil’jaeden is still around pulling strings? He personally sends Archimonde to handle Draenor, which didn’t happen at all in ours.

He actively disguised himself as their ancestors and enslaved/tormented their spirits (and elemental spirits) to manipulate them.

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And I hate to break it to you, but there’s nothing to indicate that anyone in-lore actually knows about that specific detail. Which makes sense, because who would have told them? Kil’jaeden? Gul’dan? Ner’zhul? They’re the only ones who actually knew the Deceiver had posed as the ancestors, and the loss of the elements is explicitly attributed to Gul’dan severing their connection to the orcs.

Yes. He actively betrays the Legion in Warcraft 2. Nevermind the spirits themselves once they’re freed.

Spirits? What are you talking about? You mean the Naruu in the crashed ship?

Not much to indacate the orcs know much of anything about as anything except how to kill even their shamanisim is getting sidelined for murder these days.

Orc souls. Elemental lords. Elementals in general.

The Ancestors don’t speak to the orcs any more. Thrall says as much in Rise of the Horde. It’s one of his great laments that he was never able to experience communing and conversing with the spirits of the Ancestors as the orcs used to on Draenor.

The orcs rediscovered shamanism, but the uniquely close connection they had to the spirits was severed by Gul’dan’s use of the Cipher of Damnation, and that’s never really come back to them. The Ancestors are still silent.

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Did… did the spirits ever actually speak? That sounds like necromancy.
It had to be either the elements or the naruu that they mistook as their ancestor.

Velen says as much to them in Rise of the Horde.

Could have been a shadow council member begging fir their life that told them with mansrith ending up taking the cultursl center as no on had killed kil’jaden at that time

No he says the orc dead are drawn to the narru the ancestors spoke sometimes they actully spoke to nerzul in that book. Shaman are ment to bridge the elements the living and the honored ancestors.

Beyond there being a quest for orc spirits in the Burning Crusade expansion, you’ve only addressed one fourth of the possible sources. Nerzhul betrayed the Legion in Warcraft 2. Elements in general. Elemental Lords.

I would not give Nerzhul too much credibility.
He spoke to demons and thought he was speaking with his ancestors.