How Q-Sync Healers Can Rig BG Blitz

Not sure that is what it is. I can admit that right now this is easier to organize because of it being a brawl, but it also doesn’t matter. BUT, when it’s rated it could become at problem at higher ratings since sync queuing will be easier. I think the issue is how much control over a game a duo healer group can have, for good or for bad.

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There is team MMR you can see. People do have personal MMR it’s just not shown. You can kind of guess of the team MMR which is shown.

I did a video on this myself, pointed out some of the issues that could occur, but my main thing is they specifically said dps/healer duo with no mention of double healer working. So is this intended or not.

They more I think about it the less concerned about double healer I am because in the grand scheme of things it’s probably fine. Is it a big advantage if one side has a healer duo on it? Yep. Even more than dps/healer duo imo. So there is the concern that most players will be player matches solo queued. I also am fine with people being able to queue with a buddy. Just some weird dynamics honestly.

Someone kind of changed my mind again. Duo healer has A LOT of control over a BG. A LOT. Put aside boosting which to me overall is less of a concern. So many ways duo healer can affect a BG.

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They increased the rewards for RSS but not nearly enough. It would work.

Ya the shared reward structure between all the rated modes needs to change. Honestly we they need to have their own unique rewards and then some kind of battle pass type system that you can progress through by just pvping in general.

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I’m honestly not even convinced the team mmr means anything. I play at 1400 on an alt and i see some insane players, glad mounts, people setting up insane kills

Then i play my druid at 2050 and i see healers doing 3 mil healing total, honor level 9s, people sitting at the locked nodes in eye trying to figure out why they can’t cap

But i also have no idea how you would figure out that healers have wide ranges of mmr that they’ll pit together when you can’t see your own personal rating. Showing team rating won’t explain this


what is 2 healers throwing 1 game going to do? It’s going to boost the opposing teams healer? Okay, then what? The opposing team healer will then queue into a higher bracket, while the duo that threw will go down.

Boosters will need a duo for every single bracket range, and you can only boost healers doing this. Then they will need to refarm once they lose. And then once the boosted healer gets to like 2k, you think this guy is gonna survive?

This is all a bit hilarious.
But staggered queue pop ups and whatever, would help. Wouldn’t mind those changes.

I’m up to that on Hirav.

I know I’m not a 2k player. I make plenty of mistakes. And I don’t know all the classes well enough to know what to respond to and what to ignore. I’ve only come close once, with voice comms, with the same team, after weeks of sweating.

But then I watch some of the plays in the teams I’m with, maybe I am at 2k. It’s crazy. I can’t wait to meet the players who know what they’re doing.

I know it’s a different mode from RBGs, but I wouldn’t have thought rating would be this easy to get in Blitz.

I played three Blitzs last night, all wins, and my team mmr went from 1900 down to 1700 then up to 1800. Kind of all over the place right now.

The boostee slot can be anything: healer, DPS or tank.

The “healers seem to be operating under a forgiving MMR range” is from another thread where some solo healers are saying they get wide spread MMR matches even after having played many matches.

Once past a certain number of matches played all of my DPS have pretty much settled into a consistent MMR range. I don’t really play healer myself.

I don’t experience that much delta. Maybe 50 points, not 200.

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Yes, the team with the most HKs often (not most of the time, ofc) loses the match. The main exception would be TOK.

Not sure why people keep saying this.

Two healers on one side.
Healer and anything (the boostee) on the other.

Boosting services use fleets of alts at varying MMR ranges so they can always match up with the MMR of the person being boosted. These aren’t “casuals” doing these services. These are people who invest into their own business.

Are regular players just running one character going to be able to abuse this? No. They will eventually end up in different MMR ranges.

Are people who do this for a living going to be able to abuse this? Yes.

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Ya the “wide spread of mmr for healers” is made up. You might see a lot of different team mmr while queuing, but unless you know the personal mmr of each healer you have no idea the spread. It’s pure speculation on what that spread will be, so it’s definitely not something we can assume is going to be a thing when this becomes rated

This is why I used the word “seems.” For me on my DPS, I get fairly consistent MMR ranges and I often see quite a few of the same people in my matches.

Someone in a different thread said they don’t experience that on their healer and they made the suggestion that there might be a wider MMR matching system for healers.

I think there is for tanks, which is why flag matches pop much more often now at all MMR ranges when they weren’t popping at all in the first week or two.

But, yes… pure speculation.

If you’re doing this for a living why would you choose the much harder, more time consuming way that adds a ton of rng to the mix when you could just do it in arena


Why would you get boosted for all the same reasons

Don’t ask me why people who buy boosts do the things they do. Boosters are just providing a service for people willing to pay the price.

There are already services offering boosts for BATTLEGROUND BLITZ (do a search). You aren’t going to hear a logical explanation from me why that is the case when it currently offers no rewards.

People that buy boosts might not be very smart.

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Ya highly doubt this is going to be an actual issue. I’d be willing to bet once rated gets introduced this goes away

I’m still seeing a few of the same names from night to night so it might not be as big a difference as it looks.

The format does seem to have a much more forgiving MMR spread than other formats. I wish we could see our own personal MMR so we could give actual useful feedback.


The service they will provide will be pilots, not whatever you are trying to describe in this thread.