How premaders are similar to petty brats

They haven’t been told no go away for 18 years. In fact every thread crying about them just is more PR to help them recruit.

People can have whatever opinions they like, just as long as they realize that others might not see eye to eye with their takes.

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They’ve been told no go away by the people who actually make the decisions so i’d say yeah they have

I used to get spam invited to them, one time I accepted. I had no idea what they were about, it was before I knew what sync-queues were. They immediately invited me to their Discord and spent the better part of an hour getting their raid organized. Gear checks, spec checks, like we going to do a mythic raid. But then it came time to do the whole sync-queue thing and I was clueless. They had to explain it to me, and to many others, and the raid leader was getting more enraged by the second. Then we finally did the sync-queue thing and went into WG with a full 40 on voice chat. Very tightly controlled once we were inside. The raid leader was extremely condescending, I was kind of surprised at that. It became obvious pretty soon that the whole strat was to funnel the pug team into a graveyard and farm honor as long as possible. That’s not for me, I left as soon as I saw what it was all about.


The solution is a surrender button and it would send the preamdes crying because no one would ever allow them to farm HKs.


No they haven’t lol. It’s amazing people actually believe the developers care about pvp much less unrated pvp outside of a few feel good blue posts from 12 years ago.

Then again, I’m talking to someone who sits on his mount instead of fighting in epics so.

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Evidently they disagree with it enough that they’ve decided to keep the 5 group limit in place :} despite being directly asked for 18 years to increase it

Except you know, they increased it in classic so yeah.

How you think that’s evidence I don’t know.

Thats probably cause the classic community is toxic

And chalk full of the people who are firm in the belief of spending a load of time on the game and then getting to destroy people who have not thats literally pvp from classic all the way through wrath in a nutshell.

And to top it all off they get a group of people who are like that instead of just themselves which is already bad enough

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Holy projection Batman.

Cause they are one trick ponies who only succeed with a siege. :smiley:

10 Ply Enfers all you do is whine. Hard to take you seriously anymore, esp. with that guild tag, lol. And we’ve seen you in there with some larger premades recently. If you object to premades to the extent that you whine about them incessantly, why don’t you leave in protest?

To address previous posts:

As for Hydra, they are no longer relevant, nor do they represent the state of Horde epics currently. Horde communities that I am part of or sometimes play along side of play objectives. My community doesn’t farm graveyards with the only exception being killing glaives at docks while holding hangar, and both sides do that.

I don’t keep track of who is all in a premade lul i dont care enough and if im in with them im in by coencidence

I heard you guys are the worst premade of them all and for the guild tag again what does it really matter i don’t run with their premades or do anything that they do anyway.

It seems like all the people who go into a frenzy just based on someone’s guild tag have a resentment toward that guild lul which imagine again what does it matter

Gear and spec checks?! Wow. That’s hysterical. I did know about the condescending part. They pay for the privilege to be yelled at as well. They can deny it all they want, I’ve seen it myself.

DJL brings fresh 70’s. We help people gear up. It’s a big part of what we do for the little guys, the solo q’ers.

We seem to win nearly every time we face you. So, I’d say you’re spouting some hot garbage right there.

Hes usually pretty funny, especially after wpvp.

As a 15 or 20 player premade vs a random team its not exactly a feat.

But against all the other premade teams they say you lose against them every time

The only bg we suck at is IOC. That’s our least favorite one. We run with whoever’s on, sometimes it’s just me and Ghost. Sometimes 2 groups, sometimes 7.

Who needs Docks, Hangar, or Workshop when you can just play an IoC with no bases? That was fun. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Oh no, I meant between the communities. I rarely see them mention anything nice around one another lol.

Communities are kind of like this… [](https://People’s Front of Judea) :smiley:

Oh there’s still foaming at the mouth over that one.