How premaders are similar to petty brats

So evidently the premaders have been trying for a very long time to get blizzard to allow them to just bring a 40 man premade into a complete random bg (lmao) check this post out

So first yikes and second so that means that they are really mad about the 5 player limit being in place cause they cant just que unimpeded and instead cause you know they are selfish and awful in the game and probably in many other ways they sync and drop ques which screws over maybe 100’s of other players depending on the time.

So in other words they are like a child breaking the rules purposely to get what they want even though blizzard has told them no for 18 years evidently and evidently they have not learned that maybe they are the people in the wrong. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Like if 3 or how ever many waves of dev’s this game has had over the years thinks that what you are doing is bad for the game and they don’t want to enable you to do it unimpeded and have severely limited your ability to do it then maybe there is a hint to be taken from that.

If you need any further proof of these people’s mindset and intentions look no further than just a few posts down

So they want to bring a full 40 premade into a random to see how many “rage quits” they can farm mhm sure sounds quite diferent than the “we just wanna engage in comradery with friends” narrative that they push.

And just as an ending note if she hates playing with people with no “pvp frame of reference” then you can literally play rated you are not in a lack of players to que with you have your “friends” randoms are and have always been the entry way for new players to start pvp.

What you going into randoms instead of rated with your “pvp frame of reference” tells me is that you have a crippling lack of talent as a player and you choose willingly to avoid the place where all the players with a “pvp frame of reference” are at


simply repulsive. that 1 guy found 39 more chudlords to organize and stomp the most casual of players out of the queueing pool.


I found this gem hilarious to I hope she realizes that mmos as a genre are built first and foremost around pve that’s literally 90% of the game

I really detest this kind of behavior. In classic wow AV on Easter some Alliance premade farmed the horde cave for 10+ hours. They had people with 1000+ kills while the horde side continually backfilled or people sat around afk as ghosts. They made jokes about doing it until Jesus resurrected or something.

Go ahead and premade but take the win and get it over with. Trying to purposefully grief players is pathetic. Luckily, Blizzard added the resources system to create a soft timer for epic bgs and, sadly, to keep people like this honest.


Zeela is literally legitimately awful at the game tho. Probably one of the worst players I’ve ever seen, her and that Yagamoth person who was their leader.

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Sadly, some groups still choose to farm at the graveyard indefinitely if possible, usually with a siege tank of particular portent. What’s interesting is that they won’t take the corresponding resource nodes for expedient wins, but instead draw it out as long as possible. Queuing into a losing IOC with 400 friendly reinforcements, both mine and quarry under friendly control, and an enemy tank on the graveyard? You’d hate to see it, recorded too. What’s worse is that they will specifically queue into IOC to do this, because of faction weight and lack of success in other bgs.

holy moly, five edits dude i didnt even read that spit

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The reason is cause a lot of people don’t resemble the emperor in modern day they increasingly resemble the horde races instead which is very sad and a big issue. But for now it’s true

you afked out to type this?

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That game was effectively over anyway lost tp and ibt and we had a total of 15 players at drek

the “premade” was 14 people

Funny how it’s never bringing 1 to 4 friends, but 29+ “friends”.


WoW players don’t have friends that play WoW.

“All my friends stopped playing” - Every wow player for the past 5 years.


You’re from RUINOUS… Doesn’t RUIN do this same exact thing, sync and drop queues via Discord until they get the same one to pop?

I’m confused here, are you also insulting yourself and the guild you’re in? :thinking:


Wait I never got paid by jugga, I demand justice!

Five years? Try about 12-13, lol.

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That right there is a FACT. I know exactly zero people in real life who still play WoW. My kids grew up playing WoW, all in their 30s now, none play and they tell me no one plays it. We’re all just hangers-on.

So you have to take what you can get. As much as I detest sync-queues the most fun group I’ve run with is SAS. Their Discord is often utter chaos but generally funny. It’s typically completely unusable for the matches in play, which is counter to the general assumption.

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People always bring that up but I’ve never run with one of their premades they just invited me and I accepted it cause why not

There always seems to be so much drama around these epic BG communities.


It’s usually people not in the communities causing it because they don’t like certain aspects around them, like pvp happening, but usually calling them cheaters or some other drivel

It’s amusing at this point.

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I just find it amusing that after 18 years of being told no go away they are still strong in their wrong beliefs