How premaders are similar to petty brats

What people don’t understand is that you dont need communities

i’m glad people are realizing that selfishness is the way to go in global society today.

The only way to achieve perfection is to do everything yourself so that when you fail you know it was your fault.

premade =/= sync q enfers

Stop making threads with incorrect names

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do ghouls count as friends?

Dear Torturekilla,




  1. Cause I said so and generally, my plan is better.
  2. You can.
  3. Because IOC is ppl running around like chickens with their heads cut off and I’m trying to herd all the cats and it isn’t easy. Plus I have people talking over each other in disc with intel about incoming. Sometimes makes my brain reeeeeee a bit.
  4. 10 Ply makes himself a target with these whining threads. And he’s a giant chicken and we all know it.
  5. 10 Ply Self explanatory.

Those IOC games would be over in 5 minutes if people just resurrected. 30-40 people dying every 30 seconds would be much quicker than sitting as a ghost for two hours. I still do not understand why horde will not res when you already know that will drag the game on for hours.

Oh it was fun and everyone knows it was x)

It was nothing but killing and in order to win you needed to hold refinery/quarry and kill the enemy team enough times.

Your Insignia was Yummy !


You must be 1 of the low level twinks who prey on the real lowest form of paper the low level one

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The only thing in danger from hardclass is improperly stored food.


Yes LOL ! <3 <3

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That’s when you just show them where the rbg Que button is. If you wanna Que up with ten buddies go play against another team full of ten buddies. Blizz has a lot of wiggle room here. It’s part of the only PvP system that’s working. Five man pre-made a has always and will always be a thing due to it being an mmo and people can do group stuff. Get five guys go pick herbs I dunno it could be a thing! But ten man pre-made an into content that has solo Que options isn’t gonna be a thing. Blizz has never ever changed its stance on this and never will

I’ve been in a ton of IOCs where people knew what to do without any communication over raid chat. It’s not rocket science.

Of course, there will be matches where you have a tipping point of clueless people, but I wouldn’t say that is the norm.

Yes, some people know what to do. Some people know what needs to be done, but they don’t do it without someone saying, yes, that’s the plan. There are still returning players that also need to know what’s changed. Sometimes they don’t want to ask because people can be so toxic.

I watched my guildmates do an AV last night where they fought their own team more than the alliance. People refused to recall and recap the base. It was chaos. My officers were very frustrated. In the end they won, but it was not an easy win.

Sometimes you can’t pay to fill all the guns in the gunship, even if it’s all we have. And sometimes much of the team will fight at WS even though there’s a demo at hangar firing down on the flag. The other team will LET YOU take docks if you’re clueless enough to do it, and there’s always someone who will. Lot of little things that a lot of players don’t even know about.

We all have to learn about those little things one way or another. I learned much of the finer points from someone explaining it nicely in premade Discord. But otherwise you have to either figure it out on your own or get chewed out by someone in the middle of a match. Or have someone leading and trying to steer. I’m not that person, but I have all the respect in the world for the people who do.

Yeah but the guns on ship is boring, I would rather go run around chasing a hunter across the map.

Well, someone’s gotta run the bombs.

Hydra Premades wants 40 man premade queues against other premades. We really aren’t interested in farming PUGS. That said, since Legion dropped it had been close to impossible for Horde to be able to sync queue vs Alliance queue times. The Alliance queue times were 1-3 minutes vs Horde’s 15+ minute queues. Dragonflight brought perks to Alliance players that attracted a much larger number of players to Alliance resulting in dramatically reduced queue times for Horde. IMO Blizzard could fix the issue by reinstalling War Games but award honor, conquest, etc. where now there are ZERO rewards for War Games. Blizzard removed the link to War Games but you can still queue with the add on WarGameHelper. In WOD there were MANY Premade communities in game on both sides resulting in a robust Casual PVP participation. Now Blizzard has put ALL the focus on rated play that has proven HIGHLY unsatisfactory to the majority of PVPers, especially players new to PVP. That leaves PVP Communities at the mercy of 5 man parties vs 40 man premades. Blizzard has the algorithms to match premades NOW but refuse to create an environment for premades. That imo is an egregious error on Blizzard’s part. An error they consistently make. Blizzard’s learning curve on this subject is mind boggling. The Player advisory committee is woefully absent of veterans of the PVP community imo, resulting in “Yes men” vs relevant advice.


Gosh, the players who exploit the matchmaking system to get premade raid vs. pug games to farm easy HKs/rage quits/PvP rewards, surely wouldn’t abuse War Games for easy honor/conquest/etc. :sunglasses:

Premade raids drive pugs away from random bgs. They DECREASE PvP participation. In just one game, your premade raid forced 179 people out of AV via the portals in the starting caves and gave them the deserter debuff.

War games. Rated bgs.

What’s mind boggling is premade raiders thinking it’s ok to circumvent restrictions to gain an unfair competitive advantage over the other team. You’d think they’d get bored of super easy games and guaranteed victories, but nope.

What’s mind boggling is thinking removing many players from each of your bgs results in robust PvP participation. More people leaving means more participation!


Don’t you see he had no choice but to seek unfair advantage against random pugs? lol.

I can see it happening, though. When I started in Wrath a friend tried to get me to do it and I almost did because I had no idea what was happening. That’s why I can’t hate them, they were just misguided. My friend ran with them a bit, he stopped because I refused to BG with him if he continued. He didn’t stop because he thought it was wrong, just didn’t want to lose my partnership. We used to trade tanks/healers in dungeons and offer random people their daily dungeon, he was a good guy.

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