How premaders are similar to petty brats


Gosh, the players who exploit the matchmaking system to get premade raid vs. pug games to farm easy HKs/rage quits/PvP rewards, surely wouldn’t abuse War Games for easy honor/conquest/etc. :sunglasses:

Premade raids drive pugs away from random bgs. They DECREASE PvP participation. In just one game, your premade raid forced 179 people out of AV via the portals in the starting caves and gave them the deserter debuff.

War games. Rated bgs.

What’s mind boggling is premade raiders thinking it’s ok to circumvent restrictions to gain an unfair competitive advantage over the other team. You’d think they’d get bored of super easy games and guaranteed victories, but nope.

What’s mind boggling is thinking removing many players from each of your bgs results in robust PvP participation. More people leaving means more participation!