How powerful is perception?

I have it narrowed down to playing rogue or lock and was thinking orc rogue but wondered about the human talent perception. Was this a game changing talent? Will I be getting popped out of stealth all the time by humans?

nope. its really only useful if you already know a rogue is around.


It certainly isn’t good enough to influence whether you want to play rogue or lock, let’s put it that way.

I also was wondering if the talent can be used by lower level players. For example, could a level 30 human use perception and see a higher level rogue? Thanks in advance.

Pretty much: if you are a good rogue who makes a clean approach and opens up, how will the human ever have known to pop perception in the first place?

Yes, perception adds something like 50 “stealth points” or 10 levels, giving you the stealth detection of a player equivalent to 10 levels higher.

I found it very helpful in world PVP situations when you were hunting a rogue in a major city.

Its also great to pop going into the flag room in WSG or on approach to what appears to be an open flag in AB.

It isn’t game breaking but if used in the right situations can be the difference between life and death.


It sometimes gave me a 3 or 4 second headsup that I was about to get stunlocked to death on cloth characters. On my pally though it helped prepare, consecrate, etc. It was directional though, and sometimes you could see them for a second or two based on direction and angle, and you would hear the stealth sound again, and they would disappear. It wasn’t like it completely broke stealth.

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As a horde rogue I hated it, definitely was a BIG advantage in arena mirrors, but in vanilla world pvp or BGs, its very situational and it has a buff+sound so most good rogues are going to instantly vanish for the extra stealth levels and GTFO range

it was situationally good, but generally orc, dwarf and undead were all better for pvp

its good for rogue vs rogue or places like flag rooms and AV towers.

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What kills a rogue? A perceptive rogue.

Horde rogues have it tough, paladins, perception, elves with better stealth, stoneskin. You really should consider alliance. A 1/4 stun resist on 1 race is nothing compared to all the things a horde rogue has to deal with. Literally every alliance race and the class hard counter rogue.

Like any of the other on use racials, improper timing of use and improper situational use make it meh.

When used properly, it can really ruin a Rogue / Druids day.

It was very powerful in the early days of Arena in TBC. Played a double human Arms/ HPal comp, and because so many teams were Rogue / X or Druid / X, it was very useful.

I guess my thought is that it won’t matter for just doing 1v1 in the world because people won’t even know you’re coming. But in wpvp battles, people will be using it quite a bit so I’m thinking your greatest strength might be kind of null and void. So probably better to just go alliance if I want to play a rogue then?

I’d say it is more of a faction selection choice for you.

There is plenty of solid research out there to help you decide.

It was very broken for Arena where you know what classes are on the opposing team before the match starts.

I assume it is useful in duels, or just any time you think a Rogue might be around which is going to be more often than you think. There are also the catseye goggles which were quite popular back in the day.

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IMO Perception is the worst activate racial in the game.

Will of the Forsaken
War Stomp
Escape Artist

I would take all of those over Perception for any class. The only one that might be worse is Blood Fury because it’s a dead racial for some classes.

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I’d put Perception over Berserking, Blood Fury, and even Escape Artist (we -are- talking PvP, not PvE).

Escape Artist is so very overrated. It has a one second cast time, and the root / snare can be instantly reapplied. Great for making a Druid waste Nature’s Grasp, or a Mage and his Frost Nova, but all in all, within seconds you’re back in a root or snare anyways. The only class I’d take EA over Perception, would probably be Warrior, if only because Mages piss me off more. However, nothing is more demoralizing than removing that Frost Nova to go for the kill and then you get a Frostbite Proc and you’re re-rooted anyways.

blood fury is good for Warriors, the Ms isnt that big of a deal

1v1 an argument could be made. You could (and I would) argue that people also underestimate Blood Craze healing in a 1v1 though. It’s all situational.

I’d take Perception over Blood Fury as a Warrior any day though.

People who played original Vanilla are going to be favorable of perception. People who only played private servers are going to dislike it. Reason is that perception and stealth detection didn’t work properly on most private servers. Keep that in mind when reading these comments, and that Classic WoW will have perception working.