How powerful is Jaina Proudmoore?

There was another mage who managed to scratch Sargeras himself. Couldn’t remember her name but iirc she was Medivh’s mom. I believe she was the GOAT.

Dadghar would render her powerless by a bunch of perfectly timed and hilarious dad jokes.

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She has power beyond the ken of mere mortals.

As strong as the plot needs her to be.

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Khadgar is book smart

Jaina is kill things smart.

in a fight I’m betting on Jaina. When I need to track down an ancient artifact I’ll give khadgar a call.

That said, it’s not like Jainas dumb or anything, she just doesn’t have access to the knowledge stored within karazhan like khadgar does.

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I would say Jaina is somewhere in the upper part of the range between Harry Potter and Doctor Strange.

All characters in a story are as strong or weak as the story needs them to be.

In WoW though, aerial bombardment solves everything.

She teleports for miles and doesn’t afraid of anybody.

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I just realized, she’s been one of the most represented characters in the game outside of Thrall. She has been active in almost each and every expansion, since ever.

Vanilla - She’s out in Theramore- this version is my favorite. The young, happiest, most hopeful version of Jaina, and my favorite version. I disliked what became of her afterwards.

TBC - She’s involved in the Mount Hyjal Caverns of Time raid. She was also there to greet the Draenei and give aid when the Exodar crashed. (She’s got portals and is pretty much Alliance’s naval leader so this is very believable.)

Wrath - Huge presence here, she’s the peaceful counterpart alongside fighter Varian, to peaceful Thrall and fighter Garrosh. Lots of stuff, with Arthas too. Questing-wise, she hands out stuff for Alliance while Sylvanas gives quests to Horde, involving Icecrown Citadel.

Cataclysm - War with Theramore begins, and conflict with the Horde is ratcheted up to 11. Horde moves north and attacks Ashenvale for lumber and oil, and Alliance counterattacks by moving west out of Dustwallow into the Barrens, and the Tauren have to build a wall to protect Mulgore. Garrosh drops the bomb, and Theramore is destroyed, as well as Jaina’s once-peaceful mindset. RIP cooler Jaina.

MoP - She’s expelled from Dalaran, Blood Elven killings and whatnot, the Divine Bell, Garrosh is kicked in the balls, and Jaina tries to get Varian to DISMANTLE THE HORDE. Thankfully, Varian says “Nah” because he knows it’s all Garrosh’s fault anyway. Honor n’ all that.

WoD - Just a minor appearance, but she’s still around. She helps Khadgar forge the legendary ring we had at the time, in his little tower in Zangarra.

Legion - She’s around at the Broken Shore, Varian dies, RIP. She’s pissed that Horde are allowed in Dalaran thanks to Khadgar and the other mage leaders, and ragequits, also dumping Kalecgos (LOL!!!) in the process. She just kinda goes rogue and kills demons on her own, and we don’t hear back from her.

BFA - She’s back, this time as a pivotal main character, because we go back to her home in Kul’Tiras. We meet her mom Katherine, raise her brother Tandred from undeath (as Horde), and generally fix her kingdom because it’s rotting out from the inside.

SL - She basically keeps Thrall alive until we get down there. Stuff with Anduin, Jailer, Sylvanas, it’s Shadowlands so I’ll stop now.

Dragonflight is the first real time she’s been given a break as a character. And given Khadgar and Kalec are very important to the story, I wouldn’t rule out Jaina making another appearance again soon.

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