How powerful is Jaina Proudmoore?

Haha, okay not gonna lie. That made me laugh.

Yeah pretty much this… either retire or just take a long vacation after the stuff she’s seen and done after all the stuff that happened in SL.

This is Geena’s theme :

What about Khadgar vs Jiana? Who is more powerful?

Khadgar is. I think that’s canon. The only person more powerful than Khadgar mage wise is his original master whatshisface who is basically God tier in wow lore.

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Khadgar is stronger.
By a lot.

Out of cannon, I believe in HOTS there’s some banter where Medivh says that “one day she’ll be the greatest mage of us all” referring to Jaina, but that day has not yet reached us.

And barely related.

Medivh telling Kaelthas that his death wasn’t nearly the setback that Kael’s was… that’s just gold.

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She overpowered with Human Potential overwhelming!

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Jaina’s power level is over 9000, but not as high as Chuck Norris’.

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we have alot of time for practice and studies, when we arent busy drinking wine and saying anyone not human is beneath us.

Mages can’t AoE boost anymore because of her.

I remember reading somewhere that she almost wiped out Orgrimmar with a tsunami, but was stopped by Thrall, though barely.

She also holds a staff empowered by the MoP thunder Kings or something like that.

She’s definitely powerful.

In HotS Jaina can solo Arthas, the Lich King.

Silliness aside, maybe in game lore she may be powerful enough to do so now too with how much she has grown.

Jaina is thematically attuned to ice, but she should really try the other specs for her class. Fire Jaina or Arcane Jaina would be a sight to see.

I mean she is a dreadlord so…

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Jaina is almost as powerful as Taylor Swift.

Khadgar refers to her as the most powerful mortal sorceress at one point in the story. (Which is why I always laugh when people think he’s stronger than her, he even admits she’s stronger than him)

He specifies Mortal, because lore wise, Azshara is stronger.

His mother resurrected him.

You see him at the end of the Upper Kara dungeon.

As for Jaina, she’s very powerful.

Expect that to be changed… because of “reasons”.

She is indeed. She’s awesome.

Just doing duties as lord admiral I assume.

How powerful is her bra?


Yet frost mages are weak…. WEAK!!

Medivh said that to get a vacation imo, he’s prolly off somewhere doing birb dancing with other wizards that can turn into birds.