How powerful is Jaina Proudmoore?

I mean:

  • She alone almost wiped Dalaran (home town of powerful mages);
  • She alone hold her ground against the most powerful heros of the horde (Aka Horde Players) at the Battle of Dazar’alor raid;
  • She Wiped Undercity front gate from Horde/Forsaken plague with flying magic ship with arcane cannons;
  • She basically soloed the warcraft’s LITERAL hell (The Maw) while carrying around Thrall that was wounded, until we found them…

Yet others feats she did i don’t quite remember…

How strong is she? I know she’s kinda Offline now at Dragonflight expansion, but i think she is one of the most powerful mortals around.


She needs to retire or get banned for mage exploits.

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She is pretty much the most powerful magic user that exists on Azeroth other than Azshara.

Which is sad for us on the horde as we have two different kingdoms of the highborne.

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she can benchpress the staff and two small weights at either end.

shes powerful but nowhere near as powerful as Khadgar or Medivh

But I mean isn’t medivh dead?
Khadgar is debateable but prob right

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Ehhhh yes but also no

Medivh’s essence is still bound to Kharazan & is still more powerful than jaina even in that form

But are you even a person at that point?

I mean she can walk around and move. He is stuck… point, jaina and literally everyone else who’s alive


Jaina is a plot driven character with plot armor as thick as Vanessa VanCleef’s thighs.

So much like He-Man in the Master’s of the Universe comics who is “As strong as he needs to be” (and that’s cannon) Jaina has the power to do whatever the story requires her to.

Now in keeping with that when the story requires her to NOT be able to do things, she is also as weak as she needs to be. Things like teleporting into the Winter Queen’s living room when it’s 5’ away from her are beyond her.

In lore she animated an entire army of water elementals to “drown Orgrimmar” which I think is the full extent of her powers at maximum. At the very least there’s no feats larger than that which I can think of. Orgrimmar’s a big place after all, hard to drown.

Notably Thrall dismissed the elementals. Thrall also being “As strong as he needs to be” as a superpower.

It’s problematic to look at character feats in WoW because it’s not written or displayed in game with any consistency.

If you compare Jaina to some of the other “paragon” characters like Khadgar or a fully powered Thrall she’s not exceptionally strong at all. If you compare her to some other’s like Genn and Varian she’s leagues above them in power. If you compare her to someone God Tier like Malfurion or Medivh she’s completely outclassed.


U’re sure?

I mean, we didn’t saw Khadgar doing much lately, besides porting us around and being cheesy.

I know he is powerful and all the Guardian of Azeroth shenanigans, but still

The same could be said for every character. They are always as powerful as they need to be when they triumph

That’s the nature of magic you don’t have to follow science. it’s not real. It works when the plot needs it to

Medivh is apparently off doing things beyond out comprehension at the moment. IIRC he left saying we could handle the Burning Legion because he had to be somewhere else doing bigger things.

I think Medivh is basically off doing Silver Surfer level things at this point. We have no idea the full extent of what he can do, but it’s apparently a lot.

On the one hand, this is great. It’s awesome. I want to find out the next part of the story.

On the other hand, if Medivh is off doing cosmic stuff… then we’re going back to doing cosmic stuff… and I don’t like cosmic stuff personally.

She is as powerful as the plot requires her to be. Nothing less, nothing more.


I bet you. He has a shack in the middle of the swamp and he’s just watching netflix and eating take out

NGL that also sounds exactly like what he would do

Swamp of Sorrows always makes me think of Artax drowning in the Swamp of Sadness.

The dev team: “hey 80’s kids, what ruined your childhood?”


Jaina isn’t as powerful as the game would make you think she is. Most of her power comes from the staff she wields. The Staff of Antonidas, which was infused with the power of the Thunderking back in MoP. The Thunderking got his power from Titan Keeper Ra, who in turn got it from Aman’Thul.

Basically, Jaina weilds a portion of Amal’Thul’s power. The Titan who is possibly the Order equivalent of Zovaal/Arbiter. That’s why she got such a power boost after MoP. And is able to wipe the floor with every other mage, bar Azshara.


He’s also the only titan to ever get a girlfriend.
A much more impressive achievement.


As strong as she needs to be