I was 29 when it came out, and really had to struggle to find time to play. Consequently, I never had a chance to raid in Vanilla.
As a 43 year old time is still at a premium, but I have a much better idea of what I want to play and what endgame is like. I did manage to carve out a week for launch, and will be playing with my roommates from 2007 (we raided BC together).
We’re all pretty excited to relive that part of our lives, even if we can only do it hardcore for the first week. =D
So how about you? How old were you? How has your life changed? Will that have an effect on how you play?
I was 12 when I started playing. I think I bought probably 10 copies for friends to try out with me since then, and none have committed because well, none of them have a computer (it’s weird I know).
25 now and still can’t convince my girl friend to pick it up either, looks like I’ll be solo again.
20 or 21 and in college. I had a roommate that got in to closed beta before release and would play as soon as much as I could. When wow finally came out I was already hooked. Now im 36 with a career, wife and two kids and cant wait to get back in to it.
Started December 2004 and I was just shy of 36. I had just gotten my professional engineering license and had 2 young children at the time. Now, I am 50, remarried, and my daughter is 9 months old. Trying to stay healthy, I work out a lot. So, I have drastically less time to play than before, but I’ll do what I can. Basically, less television and more wow.
I was 35 years old. My life was changing due to job careers and also my wife was pregnant with our son. I was in my first endgame dungeon at the time, Blackrock Depths…just going to the the first boss to the left , Bael’Gar…when my wife wife bursts into the room yelling her water had broke…I was upset that I had to leave my first boss encounter in my first endgame dungeon but it made for a funny story when I was telling my son a few years ago when I got him into WoW.
I don’t remember the time of year, I just recall I was a freshman in college and just learned about "mmorpg"s. I had to decide between FFXI and WoW. I think I chose wisely.
12 years old, only managed to be able to play because im brother paid for the monthly sub, so I couldn’t play much since he had the priority lol
I was 24. Turning 40 soon and more excited than ever to play!
25 here… playing on dialup to the US from Perth Australia. 1200ms ping but still had more fun than BFA 
24…The game was released on my birthday 
15 in Vanilla. Mostly bought the game because I wanted to continue the Warcraft stories. They sure took a turn at Cataclysm and then WoD with the timeline jumping.
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August 2005: 23 years old, college grad, lived with my parents, worked a terrible 4pm-1am job. Once WoW took hold of me all I did was work, sleep and play WoW.
August 2019: 37 years old, great career, bought a house two years ago, got married almost two months ago, hoping to be a dad within the next year. Even if I play every night after my wife goes to bed, I might manage 5-6 hours of play time a week. There’s just too much other interesting stuff in my life to give WoW that kind of time anymore.
I Also was in Beta, so like 27? Been sooooo long.
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I was 28, but I had a job and life situation that allowed me to live like a college student basically.
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I was 19, turning 20.
I was playing Lineage 2 at the time and honestly only knew about Warcraft through my roommates. They were big Blizzard fans.
Ironically they all quit once Blizzard released the garbage known as The Burning Crusade.
I was 14 when i started in vanilla.
I was 12 or 13.
Always tried to make my voice deeper on Vent to pretend like I was older. lol
I was older than anyone who has posted so far when I started in 2005, and i’m guessing i’m still older than you all… LOL.
I was 20 and even though I worked til 9pm, I got off 4-5 hours earlier than my roommates (we lived in a party house), and so I would just play WoW til they got home and then we would drink and smoke til the sun came up.
Now I’m 35, 4 kids, a wife, a podcast, a fulltime job and I’m an activist lol. There’s no way in a cold heck that I can play 4-5 hours a night, but I will shave an hour or two of TV time and sleep to play 1-2 hours a day and hopefully set aside a night or two to play 3-4 hours if I can get the wife into it (gonna try my hardest).