How old is Jaina?

LOL! So true…

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there’s actually a lore reason for her white hair.

The horde dropped a mana bomb on her (well, on her city actually), the Archmage rhonin sacrificed himself to save her, but even with his protection, the powerful arcane energies bleached her hair.

EDIT: oh, this is a necro thread lol I need to start looking at dates instead of assuming threads at the top are relatively new.

I always thought of it as a nod to Polgara the Sorceress, just the opposite.

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That’s depressing. And here I thought she was just crazy during MoP. I’d have probably wanted to burn it all down too after witnessing that.

She did go bat crazy. Sure, there was a reason for it, but she was still nuts. And basically committed treason when she refused to help her King in Legion and just left.

I think her and Maiev both should’ve been locked up. But people like bad redemption stories.

Yeah, I really didn’t like her character in MoP or Legion. But I guess I understand why now even if I don’t agree with it. She got some much needed character development in BfA which I actually enjoyed watching so she’s cool now.

Well considering Daughter of the Sea cinematic was probably the best thing that came out of BFA, I still like her despite the flaws.

Yeah, that was definitely one of Blizzard’s better creations in recent memory. It set the stage well for her character development during BfA.

8-9. Canonically
Anduin was 10 as of Vanilla.
He is now 18 (His age was explicitly stated in the BfA book). He might be 19 in Shadowlands.

Would have been interesting if Blizzard developed Jaina a bit better after the mana bomb. As far as I know the bomb basically gave her a new hair dew. It would have been interesting if she gained mana sickness or became addicted to mana like the withered.

Wow, even less than I thought.

I thought she was going for the trendy “granny look” for her Instagram profile.

Old enough to know what she’s doing.


This I can agree with. I do love my older women…

Her hair was bleached white from being exposed to the explosion at Theramore.

In her 30s. Has grey because of magic like Khadgar. Read lore more to find more.

Except the current one, who is as orange as he was day one.

Guys if you all want to join the Necrolords ,it will start on 23 -24 November.

Have patience :rage:

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Would still bang

The gray is from a mana bomb on theramore but she’s gotta be in her 40s

No? Her hair was turned gray from a mana bomb on theramore? Maybe you should read the lore more