How old is Jaina?

I thought you weren’t allowed to ask ladies their age.

The book was called Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War. Her hair is white because of the energy that seeped into the portal that Rhonin threw her into when the mana-bomb dropped.

I’m almost 40 with no greys.


I’m allergic to hair dye.

I love undead threads.



Imagine getting a reply to a post you made a year ago. I get freaked out when someone likes my old posts I made.

I now have the urge to look at your post history and find one from like 10 years ago to like…

I think I’ve only got like 2 years on this character. I used to switch to whatever my main was but then I got trust level 3.

Mid 40’s by now.

Who is? You?

6 years and you would be correct.

She’s 40ish.

She’s gray because Garrosh dropped a mana bomb on her and she just barely got out.

All women are ‘early twenties’

Even khadgar isn’t that old… which is a shock because he really does look like he could be in his 50’s-60’s…

30’s, as other people have stated. All of WoW’s events have taken place in a ten to fifteen or twelve to seventeen year range.

I am glad they made Jaina turn back into a sane person. I like that she still maintains her aggressiveness and maturity though.

Very old.
Uh actually we shouldn’t go around asking ladies ages. :frowning:

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Jaina is around 36-40. I’m okay with that. You’re okay with that, everyone’s okay with that. And if you say you’re not okay with that…I don’t believe you because I know deep in your heart you’re secretly okay with that. :slight_smile: :doughnut:

Jaina is 36, her hair was altered by a mana bomb Garrosh dropped on her.

in her like late 30s. She’s like still kicking it even Thrall is like in his late 30s or early 40s.

It’s so weird when you hit the point in your life when 36 is a “younger woman.”

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