How old is Jaina?

Because of magic like I said. I didn’t want to get into an entire reason why especially if they are a new player? Just like Khadgar looks aged a lot by closing up dark portals back in WC1 and 2. I’ve been around WC since I was 8, I’m now 33. I know my WC lore since I literally started on WC 2.

Wasn’t it the stress and mental anguish that did it, the strain it put on her body and what have you?

Not very caught up with the lore, are you? She’s 36 as of BFA. And it’s white, not gray.

Why must these forums be so full of idiocy? It’s like I’m on trade/general chat.

She’s in her thirties. That grey in her hair, i did that. Well I helped.

I just love playing the semantics game. /s

40ish is close enough to 36 and gray is close enough to white. Especially considering that in real life we refer to white hair as grey in elderly people.

Khadgar is aged because of when Medivh was killed, not anything to do with opening and closing the dark portals

Directly from wow pedia

“The spell Medivh used to drain Khadgar’s life and magic caused him to grow old and turned his hair a stark white”

I am 32 myself and also played those games but you might need to read some of the books too to get a better understanding of the lore

more importantly, is she still fertile -_o?

I’ll be sure to let you know.

Nope got pushed through a portal at last second before the bomb went off and her hair was changed

??? Huh ???

40ish is nowhere near 36.

She’s definitely getting up there in age, but she still looks good!

She is old enough to know what she wants and young enough to sleep it off.

It’s 4 years away, the “ish” allows for give and take.