How much you wanna bet that High Elves will be Featured in Midnight?

be even funnier if they confirm that those who didnt choose to side as horde and take the name blood elves were denied the sunwell and devolved into the wretched which is the fate the quel’dorei have when they dont have magic.

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Tbh how can we even call them “high elves” anymore?
Quel’dorei literally means noble born. Noble from what? Their culture as quel’dorei pretty much ended after arthas went on his walk about.

The ones that didn’t join kael, took sanctuary in dalaran and other misc places. They’ve never regrouped to restart any kind of civilization as high elves.

Shindu’dorei - children of the fallen. Your welcome blizzard.

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I seriously hope not. We need more unique races, not a 3rd dwarf or 5th elf.

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Or even no more races at all. As the playable roster bloats, the chances or any one race you enjoy receiving any meaningful narrative spotlight reduces.

Expand customization for existing races, move Allied Races closer to their “parent race” (narrativly, in the story. Not mechanically like at the creation screen). We don’t need any new races. Elaborate on the ones we have.


Sucks for them.

/breaks a Draenei Shaman leg. There we go, a Broken Shaman :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Their starting zone could be The Tillers. They grow their “crops” to start leveling. Then they move on to the alleyways of Stormwind and Orgrimmar. Grow their clientele. The only profession they can learn is herbalism.