How much worse do you think horde queue times will get?

I like you, you entertain me. In one post you’re crying like a horde, in another you’re finding solidarity with you brethren across the faction split, and then in another you’re exposing the troll that we all knew you really were to begin with.

Brilliant. Please continue.

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Once AB is released queues times will get more evened out. AV spam likely wont be hands down best anymore, and the general population will disperse among what they want to play. Hopefully premade risk will diminish when that happens.

I can handle 10-15 or even longer queues. Farming during queues isnt that big of a deal, I just hope AB and WSG dont stay premade central.

Can you not que AV than que for a wsg or AB when it comes out, putting AV on pause while you are in a different bg untill it pops?

Ok wow, guess I was way off. Only took a few days, when I thought it was a few weeks away.

All the pvp’ers went horde. How did they not see this coming lol


I’m getting between 15-20 min already. With our pugs roflwstomping their puny premades it will get much, much worse.

No, that’s dumb. If Horde queues become an hour, we would have a repeat of P2 catastrophe. The best queue times for Horde would be to make it long enough to be uncomfortable, but short enough to prevent them from camping the world. Ideally 20-30 min.

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Already trying to rewrite history and gaslight, interesting.

Fixed it for you.

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Lmao why are you complaining? Simply ReRoll ally nerd!!!

I gave up on the av rep grind, its just too slow now, I regret not getting exalted on day 1. Also, showing up to raids in a granny dress is bad enough, I dont really want to be running holding flowers too.

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Yeah then we go back to ganking everything that moves and you guys will cry about that, the circle of life.


It’s ironic how you use the term gaslight, as if anyone is gaslighting other than you. Phase 2 may not have been your cup of tea, but I enjoyed it greatly on a Horde dominated high population server. It was definitely not unplayable.

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Nah I’ll take an hour queue so me and da boys can corpse camp some lower level alliance in brm for 45 minutes.

Kind of is though. Most Alliance are just on pve or rp/rppvp servers.