How much of Ashenvale do the Night Elves control now?

Yes, ren states that nelves considered ashenvale to be part of mt hyjal. They didn’t.

For a while I think they maintained the old descriptions from wc3 and the RPG in WoW, that Ashenvale was kind of a blanket term and included Azshara and a good chunk of Hyjal. Eventually I think they just started using the exact terms of zones for convenience because it’s an MMO and not a geology textbook lol.

I really don’t understand what your reply is supposed to mean in relation to what I said. Mount Hyjal was temporarily unlivable because Archimonde attacked it with the Legion, and the surrounding area during the Battle of Mount Hyjal but before that it was the ancestral home of the Night Elves, not the High Elves as that’s where the NIght Elves were from before Fandral Staghelm grew Teldrassil as the new home for the Night Elves.

The High Elves lived in Zn’Ashari, the birthplace of Tyrande, which was a giant city in the heart of the Kaldorei empire, when the Sundering happened it sundered Azeroth pushing continents further away from one another. Ruined remains of the city of Zin’shari are found in Azshara, the zone named after the Kaldorei Queen. The Night Elves fought a whole rebellion against the High Evles and they seperated from the Kaldorei empire by going to live at Mount Hyjal in Nordrassil before the Sundering. Ashenvale, Felwood, Moonglade and WinterSpring are all zones that are part of Mount Hyjal, they could all be considered Night Elf Lands. Night Elves also consider Stonetalon and Ferelas to be their lands too bit they have shared them both peacefully for centuries with the Tauren before the Horde arrived.

My point is exactly as I said: the night elves drew territory boundaries. For thousands of years, azshara refused to do anything with mt hyjal because of the gods that lived there. The entire time, nelves still used ashenvale.

That’s not entirely true the Tauren and the Night Elves have shared lands peacefully for millenia. They were allies. Huln Highmountain was a student of Cenarius who fought the Legion alongside the Night Elves.

What does that have to do with the price of tea in Istanbul

I don’t know Dread, you don’t make a lick of sense half the time.

His orc profile died and got shoved inside a human DK, it’s been a painful recreation of Teron Gorefiend.


You stated the nelves considered ashenvale to be part of hyjal.
They did not.

Azshara refused to allow night elves to touch hyjal. The entire time the nelves were living in ashenvale.

bro. I play a Night elf druid, I am innundated with quests and lore surrounding Hyjal being the ancestral home of the Night Elves and the source of druidic magic. lol.

Read chronicle.

Azshara’s Empire is not the ‘modern’ or post WotA civilization Kaldorei.

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They still didn’t consider hyjal to be ashenvale.
They still had map makers that drew territory lines that separated the two.

The dark trolls, ancestors of the [night elves used to live in the networks of deep caverns stretching under Hyjal.

The primative trolls went into the dark caverns located under Mount Hyjal and evolved. These Caverns were filled with calcified Old God blood deposits (this is in the short story Charge of the Aspects) this is where the Dark Trolls originally came from. The Dark Trolls that would settle around the Well of Eternity and one day become the Kaldorei Empire. The “Night Elves.” were a rebellious sect of naturalists who broke away from the Kaldorei Empire to reclaim their roots by resettling Mount Hyjal. They were originally called The Night Elven Resistance.

All of WoTA takes place when the Night Elves are living in Nordrassil which was their home. They lived in Ashenvale, yes but Night elves also lived in Felwood, Moonglade, Winterspring.

World of Warcraft has “zones” because it’s an MMO. There are gameplay reason for having borders, some of those borders are firmly held borders, like the border between Ashenvale and Durotar for obvious reasons, or the natural border like Mulgore being in a basin surrounded by cliffs. Alliance zones have more distinct borders because they have kingdoms, but Elwynn, Westfall, Duskwood, and Redridge are all the same kingdom. Hyjal is kinda like that.

I am pretty sure I read that they reclaimed all of it didn’t they?

I think so, and they are hinted at in the future, taking back more territory in Azshara.

Now continue reading through queen azhsaras empire

Queen Azshara wasn’t a Night Elf. That might be a shock to you. She was a High elf.

:dracthyr_lulmao: :dracthyr_lulmao: :dracthyr_lulmao:

You’re such a muppet.