How much of an advantage do the Alliance really have?

I don’t think any of that is meaningful in the face of Manduin the God King who literally summoned a light storm from the sky and resurrected an entire army. Also leaped on top of an Azerite Tank and smashed it with his sword. Don’t think the size nor strength of a Horde race means much in the face of that.


The only thing that we know 100% for sure is that the Alliance won both organized engagements of armies. Even if Blizzard wants to maintain its sloppily crafted facade of faction parity, it’s sure making it look like the Alliance is stronger.


How do you know?

The Alliance won every battle of the Second War and the Draenor War in the novels/lore, even when the Horde was truly powerful and their armies had tens of thousands.

The Alliance won every battle of the Fourth War too: Lordaeron, Arathi, Darkshore, Dazar’alor.

In the War of Thorns the Horde attacked with everything they had (thousands of troops) and the Kaldorei resistence had only the Darnassian Guard and a few sentinels. The horde numbers were 7-1 and suffered heavy losses. When the Kaldorei army truly arrived in 8.1, they easily retook Darkshore.

Also, after the first siege of Orgrimmar, Metzen stated that the Alliance is Azeroth standing super power faction.


That seems pretty convincing imo.

Any answer besides Leonardo is wrong.




Also the strongest archdruid on the planet and a lot of wisps.



It was one of the most ridiculous things pulled out in Legion, everything that elves got possession of - even the Well that granted them edge to begin with - was coming from titans. There is no way in hell they could rival creators of artifacrs they got their hands on, they never had a means to come anything near the scale of power titans had.

In other words - I wouldn’t take opinion of a staff for real.

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Azshara was at least approaching that level.

And the staff was only talking about “potential.” Or is it only limited to humans?

Obviously, the Titans ascended to their power over time. There is no reason to think that other beings might not do so as well, whether they are Elves, Gnomes, or Hozen.


Yeah I don’t believe that. Titans were born from literal planets. Nelves are mere mortals that got lucky and found font of titan blood which gave them an edge. Take it away and they wither and devolve.

And Azshara was a moron in the end, her overestimation of power is what was her downfall each time. In the end Legion just needed her to launch assault on planet, they were as likely to end up as fuel to the machine or absorbed in a the way Xavius was.

I’d sooner believe that gnomes would in a way mimic titan abilities by reverting curse of flesh than nelves ever would. All they had was titan toys, without those titan toys they are like any other mortal race.


Are you implying the Draenei would not have counter measures to combat enemy portals from entering their own ship? Draenei are probably more gifted or would at the very least rival any Elf in the ways of magic, Nightborne or otherwise.

Debatable. If Khadgar chose to side with the Alliance alongside the whole of the Kirin Tor itself, The Nightborne and Belves would think twice.

I highly doubt that. Elves are gifted in magic, certainly, but Titan levels? I dunno.

I forgot no one has ever opened a portal into Azeroth from other planes of existence before. Alternate timelines or otherwise.

Goblins have a higher chance of nuking themselves than they do anyone on the Alliance.

What about breaking down the strengths and saying which race either Alliance or Horde confers the biggest bonus to their faction?

Like in terms of technology I’d say what the Dwarves and by extension Gnomes offer is still superior to anything the Goblins or Mag’har do.

So one question I do have:

Blizzard stated that the Night Elves allies (Stone giants, ancients, chimaera, fae dragons) only joined the Night Elves when nature itself is threatened. Every one of these allies joined the Alliance in BFA so are we to believe the Horde is a threat against nature?


The blood of the most powerful titans that the other titans are scared of being corrupted.

Draenei are way more powerful when it comes to the use of magic and tech in general.

That didn’t stop the Orcs from pooping on them in Draenor.

The elves having the potentional to match the titans didn’t stop Sylvanas from burning their tree down. What’s your point Kordana?

literally whats your point lol, do you even know the context of what we are talking about?
THe staff is stating that if the elves never summoned the legion, kept the well, they would be one of the most powerful forces ever

SO what do stuff that happened in the story which they dont have the well have to do with them being powerful if they did keep it.

They did summon the legion, and blew up the well anyway. So, it’s a moot point, because they didn’t do those things you just mentioned.