How much of an advantage do the Alliance really have?

Many people like myself tend to believe that the Alliance has a strong advantage over the Horde in most ways on the world stage through military power, economics, political unity, and culture. I personally think that has been the case since Cataclysm or so but some might argue it has been the case ever since the beginning, though I think the Horde had a slight edge early on due to the Alliance’s fragile nature early on.

What do you all think?

I think it doesn’t matter because Blizzard will ignore any advantages or disadvantages that get in the way of whatever they want to write.


That’s a given, but for the sake of argument and discussion lets say someone like George R.R Martin or Tolkien were writing things.

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A preview of how this thread will go:


Yeah its always been that way, because the alliance is united, the horde has races that actively undermine the faction

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For powerful characters id say the alliance has a massive edge in this category, Jaina, Malf, and Tyranda are all demigods at this point, and the horde lost its only demigod in Sylvanas this expansion, no one on the horde really seems to match-up to any of the above characters in terms of power and ability.

Who has the biggest weapon? Probably the alliance, with that giant spaceship, but the horde I dont think is far behind, belves could always create something like another mana bomb.

For political unity, Id say that this is actually in the horde favor now, tyranda, and genn seem to still be iching for a war while anduin is not.

In Terms of Military, I think the horde has a slight edge, due to more experienced and ferocious warrios, and in the ending war cinematic, it was said they have enough for ‘one more assault’, Also both navys have been decimated.

Technology I gotta call a tie, both goblins and gnomes are great inventors.

The horde is fighting with farmers and civilians according to nathanos

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Hence why I have the edge to the horde in the category.

How is fighting with civilians a edge?

The Op asked about power levels in various category’s, so yea thats an edge to the horde in terms of military. Would you like to explain how its not? Because that seems to be what you’re saying.

It really all depends on which race you like most. As they will have the obviously superior position, and any person who does not agree is only deluding themselves with their own lesser bias. After all, it is a fact of lore that your opinion is completely correct, and that all those who argue with you are merely doing it to try to get a rise, or argue against established fact and lore.

Your faction has quests after all that show you decimating entire legions of soldiers through missions where you have to kill 50-100 enemies in a single quest. No other group can match that sort of destructive power after all, let alone what their fake quests may try to claim.

Not to mention the clear inherit superiority of your group’s best trait. That best trait is superior enough that it can overcome the weaknesses of the other traits they have… not that your chosen group has any weaknesses, they are just less strong suits that are still better than others. After all, it should be obvious that any shortcomings are more than made up by your various circumstances that let you counteract them.

This isn’t even getting into how the other faction is doomed from the start due their various weaknesses that actively cause them to lose even if your two groups were somehow on an equal footing. Really, it is just a mercy that you let them survive at all since they would likely destroy themselves or disband if it were not for the fact that you existed in your full glory, that made the other group band together just to have a ghost of a chance to stand against you.

It is a pity that Blizzard does not let your faction truly shine. After all you have so many things that you were given in quests and other stories that are not being used right now. Those items are so powerful and tide-turning that they could completely let you wipe out the other sides with impunity. Unfortunately, Blizzard doesn’t want to let you play with those toys that would have let you win with ease.

Of course, we can’t forget to discount the things the other factions were given in the story and quests. Those things would never be able to turn the tide like your dishonest opponent claims they could. After all they can only be used a limited number of times, or you have an easy counter to them, or even they just are not as effective as your misguided conversation partner thinks they are.

It’s only obvious that your faction is superior. Why can’t the others grasp so simple a concept?


How is the horde fighting with farmers and civilians a edge over the alliance doing the same?

Cite where it says the horde is doing the same. Also the cinematic said ‘next we’ll be calling up farmers’. That does not mean that they are currently fighting with farmers and civilians.

I posted a thread on this, but I’ll repost this here:

We’ve seen Blizzard attempt to use the idea of one side only seeing part of the story and the other side seeing another part of it a few times now. Broken Shore. Battle of Dazar’alor. But one that people didn’t seem to realize was also the ending of the BfA War Campaigns.

This is what most players, Alliance and Saurfang’s Horde, saw from outside Orgrimmar:

    Alleria Windrunner says: Sylvanas commands what may be the only army capable of defeating N’Zoth. For the sake of Azeroth… perhaps we should stand aside and let her.

But this is what the Sylvanas loyalist saw within Orgrimmar from Nathanos:

    The war has proven costly and our ranks have been steadily depleted. But the Horde is nothing if not strong. Each and every citizen of Orgrimmar is worth ten Alliance weaklings on the battlefield. Rally the citizens and form a militia! Remind them of their slain brothers and sisters!

The accompanying quest Propaganda Takedown even sees the Sylvanas loyalist player attacked by and having to kill Dismayed Citizens that also wanted Sylvanas dethroned.

This is a pretty good example of an NPC not having the full picture, with Alleria not actually knowing what the forces were that Sylvanas had behind the walls of Orgrimmar, and not knowing that it had come down to pitting a citizen militia against the rebels and Alliance soldiers outside.

Somehow the Kul’Tiran navy is still around, as Jaina says it is searching for Sylvanas after N’Zoth’s defeat.


This post right here

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The Alliance have a spaceship with a planet destroying cannon. The Horde doesn’t. The Alliance pretty much all of the most powerful mages on Azeroth. The Horde Doesn’t. The Alliance has access to Yrel’s army as she said she would always come if called. The Horde doesn’t. The Alliance have siege weapons, tanks, etc, made by Gnomes that will actually work and not have a 50/50 chance of exploding due to Goblins cutting corners on everything. The Horde doesn’t. I rest my case.


Its rather common for civilians to help out during a defense does not mean the general army is made up of it. The alliance is said to be calling them up into the general army, while the horde is only a militia.

There is your difference.

The war has proven costly and our ranks have been steadily depleted.

first line

Read the above.

Civilians are still civilians, if anything the alliance “Farmers” Already have more experiance than the horde civilians due to be called up earlier