How much of an advantage do the Alliance really have?

Wouldn’t this be typical for a feudal kingdom - i.e., human society?

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To my understanding this happens when generally anyone is short on manpower. It is also to my understanding that the humans (and alliance) have a professional army, so they’d be in rather dire straits to start doing this.

The horde has a professial army too, who is also in dire straits using farmers themselves

Both sides claim this. Most noticeably the Night Elves. In Elegy we got:

    Even those generally regarded as civilians—tailors, food merchants, innkeepers—had learned over centuries how to fight well enough to defend themselves.

And during the Nazmir Faction Assault we got:


If you asked me the question, would I rather fight an orc, or a night elf, Id totally wanna fight a night elf before I fought an orc.

Civilians simply helping out with a defense is nothing new or out of the ordinary.

Hence my second post in this thread.


But I don’t think that fully reflects the dire straits of the Stormwind army. After all, we (alliance players) are conscripts too, and the Stormwind army has been conscripting local brigades and militias since the cataclysm (see: Westfall).

Incorporation of civilian militias and civilian conscription seems to be par for the course.

On the other hand, the Horde (or at least orcs and trolls) seem to have a dedicated warrior caste. There’s no way that the need to rely upon peasant soldiers is not more detrimental (and thus a worse sign of the times) for the Horde than the Alliance.

and if you asked me, I wouldnt want to fight the human farmers who had a few months to learn formation infantry tactics, Seeing how the alliance fights in the bfa cinematic and if we take it realistic aproach to such things, the alliance doesnt need skill fighters, the roman army was the best not because of skill it was the best cause it baited skilled fighters, to fight 50 unskilled ones who followed basic orders.


I mean your not wrong lol, this is all really subjective.

Yea maybe I dident make it clear earlier but this is pretty much why I gave the horde a slight edge in this category.

but they mostly dead thanks to sylvanas so how is it a advantage?

I give the edge to the Alliance. On account of that’s where the dwarves are, and I like them best.


This dedicated warrior caste is mostly dead, because they are now relying upon militias.


As far as Orc soldiers versus Night Elf civilians:

From Terran Gregory at :

    Here name is Shendruk. She was created for this cutscene. We imagined that this is someone who’s been actually probably a soldier on the battle lines in this region, you know, between like the orcish line of going into Ashenvale. She’s probably a character who’s been there, right, and that had some experience. And I know there’s been some conversation about the way she talks about Night Elves. Part and parcel, right, when you’re not talking about the game mechanics, right - we know that Night Elves are insanely powerful - but part and parcel, if you’ve lived in this world, there’s going to be a lot of Night Elves in this forest that are just civilians, right? When she’s been patrolling that area, by and large, she’s probably only witnessed, you know, conflicts between the normal Night Elves. You know, the ones that just live [there]. You would have never encountered the Archdruid. You never would have ever encountered [a “single Night Elf” that “could do all that”], right? So a lot of her impressions are just based on like, “Oh, yeah, I’ve seen- I’ve had scuffles with the Night Elves for however many years and I’ve never had any trouble with them,” right?

And to the topic of the thread of advantages that the Alliance has:

From Terran Gregory at :

    She’s very dismissive. And the faces even, right? Incredibly well animated. While he knows- * Points dramatically at Nathanos * - He knows exactly how serious this is. And she’s all like, “Pff. Whatever,” because again, as we talked at the beginning, she has dealt with, you know, ordinary Night Elves probably her whole career defending, you know, the Barrens fronts. Never personally encountered Malfurion. But he has * Pointing at Nathanos again. * He knows exactly who he’s talking about.


Ok, so lets play this game, I think its safe to say that both sides warrior caste is mostly dead, but the horde has a much more warrior-like culture, therefore everyone in said society will have a better understanding of fighting and such nature, i.e military tactics and logistics.

Well, as many of the night elf posters love to claim on these forums, arnt they pretty much all dead now? So… we can take that out of the equation. Cant have your cake and eat it too.

The alliance also has a very warrior like culture and the nelf army was never defeated in bfa

the nelf Army never lost a battle in bfa cause during the opening shots of the war, the horde avoided fighting the nelves insuring they survived to come back and stomp the horde in darkshore

A way to analyze how successful the evacuation was might actually be from some pictures that are in the physical copy of Elegy:

And the accompanying text about just how many Night Elves ended up in Stormwind and Elwynn Forest:

    The Stormwind night was alive with controlled chaos. Even in an evacuation, when the night elves could be forgiven for being terrified and out of control, there was no screaming, no violence, no crush of bodies crowding one another in a stampede to safety.

    The cathedral could hold no more refugees, not even in the darkest corners of its extensive catacombs. The inns had ten to fifteen in each room. Even certain areas of the keep were filled with silent, stoic kaldorei. The flood spread to seemingly every surface of the city, continued down through the Valley of Heroes, and spilled out most of the way to Goldshire.

Also, to note who are the Alliance’s current farmers:


What you mean the danzels in distress you the heroic adventures usually have to save?

Oh im very well aware of that, but I still think its fair to say massively reduced to the point where it is a non-factor.

While the Night Elf military was basically left untouched. If what you are pitting is Horde civilians against Night Elf military, when the Horde military was always held back by Night Elf civilians, I don’t expect the Horde civilians to fare very well.


Horde military is still for the most part fine, night elf civilians had a little home field advantage sure ill give ya that, but in the end were still soundly defeated.

The war has proven costly and our ranks have been steadily depleted

I seriously dont know why you keep ignoring nathanos he is leading your war effort