How much longer do Elemental Shamans need to suffer?

Spriests get special treatment because they are the sole DPS spec of their respective class.

Paladins literally live in the light.

WW Monks think they’re neglected (they are) but they have no idea what its like to have been ignored since Day 1 of WoW.

Elemental Shaman has always been the reject spec. Always. The identity of the Shaman has always been rooted in Thrall, who is supposed to represent Enhancement but is essentially a melee Elemental Shaman. Kamehamehas, earthy grips, summoning lightning to strike Garrosh… what a joke.

How long has it been since that cinematic? Elemental Shamans should use every element to the fullest… and what do we get? A Lightning or Fire build, with some Earth and Frost Shocks. Earthquake is a joke.

It’s like that Wowcrendor video from 12 YEARS AGO: “We have nerfed Shamans for the 1000th time because we don’t like them. We have made it so every class can do what they do, but better. If you want to succeed as a Shaman, you must play at the highest skill level so you can be on par with everyone else.”


Monus the fact that ele has been a teir for a while and has been s teir numerouse times. Not that teir lists matter. Ele fells good in both builds i just brlieve lightning but is a vit more forgivinf to play

Lol since when?

Huh? Elemental was good on exactly 1 fight last tier.

I can’t actually tell if this is a troll account or someone who is both wrong and using a speech to text system with a live crab in their mouth. Ele has been maybe b tier in raids and probably c tier in keys at best this entire expansion, it is only strong in council fights. Lightning is absolutely not more forgiving to play, it is completely reliant on very short term buffs and debuffs on top of hard casting the vast majority of spells which punishes any movement whatsoever.


I think the issue is being missed.

It’s not the ‘tier’ of the class in question. That’s good, but it’s all just tuning knobs.

What the issue is at hand is the playstyles available and talent tree composition/layout of the spec primarily, and to a lesser extent class trees. They need serious work.


Elemental shamans need a raid buff. How about 5% Mastery or 5% spell crit?

If they do a shaman raid buff it will be shared among all shaman. Specifically spell crit not so much, but a mastery or general crit buff would be nice.

The issue is elemental lacks any kind of raid buff/utility. Enhance has it with wf totem, which really should be a raid wide aura at this point… Elemental could just get their pvp talent skfury totem that does like 5-10% more spell crit damage or something like that and they would be fine.

If only the lack of raid utility was the only problem with elemental shaman. A strong enough raid buff would probably solve the issue of ele representation in higher end raid content, but it would do nothing to address our outdated mechanics and visuals, our schizophrenic spec tree, or the issue of lava burst cannibalizing the rest of our kit, to name a few.

how is it out dated? earthquake could look cooler and ascendance needs a model refresh but LB and LvB look fine?

LB is a flat MS paint squiggle, CL while beloved by many hasn’t been changed since vanilla, FS and FrS have almost no visual effect despite being core rotational buttons, ES is a pathetically subdued visual, IF is a small handful of snowflakes. I could go on. There’s no excuse for how old and lame our effects are given all the new elemental spells that primalist mobs got in DF.

And that’s just visuals. We have a lot of outdated mechanical design too, like flame shock.

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I still think chain Lightning looks great. Lightning bolt on the other hand looks horrendous to me. Lava burst isn’t called a meatball for no reason, it looks like one.

Please keep in mind that WF totem is riding off of a reputation it built years ago. Back in the day when a melee class’ damage distribution was anywhere from 30-50% auto attacks a 20% increase to that was huge. Nowadays all melee (that I’m aware of) have an auto attack contribution in the single digits. WF totem competes with hunters mark for the worst “raid buff”.

I’m hoping they move it to the class tree and make it a real raid buff that all shaman have access to.

Remove the CD on Flame shock
Reduce the CD on Stormkeeper and magma totem to 30sec.
Make Echo chamber and mountains will fall base line.

And for raid buff, 5% master would be good.

5% mastery isn’t a realistic buff, because mastery isn’t stored as a % it’s stored as numerical rating and each spec changes that mastery point value to a % based on their spec specific formula. So 5% to a spec like augmentor is much stronger than 5% to survival. Also, they seem to be targeting a roughly 2-3% increase for raid buffs. They likely assume the physical & magical debuffs only affect half the raid, battle shout & arcane int again half the raid, ect. Hunters debuff is pretty much the weakest raid debuff* as it’s 5% damage buff for 20% of the fight, so roughly 1% dps increase.

*Windfury isn’t a raid buff/debuff, it only affects the party, so that shouldn’t count as raid utility. Change it to all melee in the party and then sure. Even if they have to lower the proc chance, but then have it buffed back up when not in a raid like the healer raid cds.

The easiest fix for that though is to just assign a number to it. They do this for Draenei passive racial that gives main stat. Its a set value depending on the level of the player. Same for Taurens stamina. Set value that increases per level. I believe gnome as well for their intellect?

Ele and resto need a buff each… not the class. Enh already has a "buff’ that gets them a raid spot. If you give it to all shaman, ele and resto will ride the bench while enh provides WF and the new buff.

That’s still not an easy fix. How much rating do you give? For shadow priests you would have to provide 5 times as much mastery to give them 5% as you would subtlety rogues for them to gain 5%. The value of this buff would swing wildly from raid comp to raid comp.

You just explained quite well how it would be impossible for it to be equal value to everyone. Now it appears to me that you are trying to say that it would need to be? Am I miss-understanding? You also explained the exact percentages of the other buffs. Buffs aren’t meant to be equal for everyone I think players are fine with that. Same ways that some specs are completely un-interested in PI while others will fight to the death for it haha.

If anything you do it so its a certain % for the shaman specs and everyone else will get whatever value from it that they do.