How much is this Void Dragon gonna cost me?

Buying a carry with gold from tokens… how much does this cost on average?

I doubt I’ll ever be ‘heroic material’ to be useful to a group myself. :frowning:

What’s a “void derg?”

The AOTC raid reward

Oh… okay. I had no idea it had some weird nickname.

wait for a few months, the price will be cheaper.

I think guilds are overcharging for it… but if you want it so bad and want it now go for it!

At the end of Legion there was a couple guilds helping people get the AOTC mount for free.


Last I checked they were hovering around 400-600k.

You have eight months to get it.
I would say wait 4 more months prices will come down and stabilize at around 200-300k.


some people is drunk there was near no money from the table to value it over 4 tokens… some people just buy tokens with RL money for that sweet gold eh?

still would not pay for it… would miss it but not that I would miss much it’s the same skeletical model as any drake just different skin.

Why would you even pay for this? Just wait until “friendship dragon” pops up on the group finder and get it for free.


I think we sold 12/12 Heroic for 400k on Friday?

You could probably get AotC only for much cheaper. Especially if you want a month or two and far more guilds become capable of selling AotC.

Word of advice though, since you’re buying it with tokens, shop around on the bigger servers. You’re going to get it far cheaper from a realm like Stormrage, Sargeras or Frostmourne, than you would on a smaller server.

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I think it’s the other way around on smaller servers you get more cheaper options due to not enough customers… at least on my experience with the moose back in WoD.

You might get the odd group on a low pop server that lowballs because it doesn’t really have any competition to compare prices too, but in my experience, the aforementioned competition on high pop realms tends to drive prices down faster.

Like for example, on Medivh, there’s only one guild capable of selling AotC, whereas on Frostmourne there’s about 80 or so.

eStalks Awkward’s guild

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Don’t quote me on that price. I just half-remember that number being thrown around on Discord.

But hey, if you wanna buy a carry, we typically sell them at 8pm AEST on Fridays. We could always use more Cauldrons and Unbridled Fury Pots, Zin’anthid is getting hella expensive.

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I definitely would just want the mount only. I’m starting to scout out guilds that sell it.

What’s a “friendship dragon?”

Well if you’re serious about it, shoot an in-game message to Ereessae, he’s the officer in charge of handling carry runs, and will have a better idea on prices.

There used to be a bunch of groups that would offer free carries on Archimonde for the moose mount, and they ended up being called the “Friendship Moose” runs, so the name kinda carried over for Legion and BFA I guess.


Uhmm… thought group finder was cross-realm. Why would server pop matter?

Oh, good to know.

Probably won’t do me any good as I might be on hiatus from WoW for a bit, but maybe I’ll be back before.
