How much is this Void Dragon gonna cost me?

On Hyjal I’ve seen prices from 500k to 700k for AOTC only ( Just N’zoth)

So at least $80

Yeah what were the people doing it? Friendship birb was created in Legion and I believe some other group hosted free carries for the mounts back in WoD and then Legion alongside friendship birb.

Guess it depends if the bunch who initially organised those things still play.

I bought mine for 400k just the other day on Thrall. I know I probably could have gotten cheaper at some point, but I had my reasons for getting it now.

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Servers are cross-realm, but their economy isn’t linked.

If I’m selling a mount on Frostmourne, I might only be able to sell it for 100k since it’s an extremely large server with lots of competition on sellers, but on a smaller server, that same mount might go for 200-300k because nobody else is selling it.

You can get around this in some ways, primarily by using the token, which means that if you’re savvy about it, when you’re making a large purchase, like an AotC carry for example, you can take advantage of the higher competition on larger realms and get a cheaper price for the carry.

Those groups tend to pop up EXTREMELY late in the expansion, so if you’re impatient, they’re probably not as good an option as simply buying a carry.

I’ll wait for friendship dragon runs to pop up.

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Thanks everyone for their input. I’ll start saving up my ‘game fund’ Hopefully, token price doesnt tank too much.

I haven’t yet decided what I’m going to do but I’m just scouting around now. I don’t mind paying a guild for carrying me. I look at it as a tip.

I asked the Gallywix Trade Community how much a full Heroic clear was and I was told either 250k or 350k I cant remember, one of those two.

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You would be entirely correct in that. There was the Friendship Birb group in Legion, and there were tons of guilds helping people obtain Glow Moose. It’s a nice gesture from the community as a whole.

100k or less if you’re patient

I literally just looked at Gally’s price list and a full clear is 800k, with 400k for just AOTC.

This is pretty consistent across all the boosting groups. Guilds tend to undercut.

All the organizations will take gold on any server, and most savvy guilds will too if they have contacts for swapping it over.