How Much Gold Do You Make a Weekend?

i lose money because of m+

I’m confused. I don’t have any alts named “Humanbeak” fortunately :smiley:

Maybe 50k~100k

But the auction house mount :crying_cat_face:

Unless you’re a teenager who has to steal a credit card, farming gold is just a waste of time when you could just buy a token and actually play the fun parts of the game. 20$ for 200k is nothing.

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Detective on the case. :mag:

Yes, there really is only so much to be done with gold anyways. And didn’t they admit to having just bought most of it? Just such an odd thing to constantly post about.

Please teach me your ways senpai!

I only make a few thousand from doing the callings on a few alts.

Also, if this is you, Humanbeak, I love the new avatar.

You get familiarize yourself with a market (or multiple, especially across servers) then shuffle stuff around. The more gold you have the more options/flexibility.

It’s kind of boring, though, as there’s nothing to really do with gold after a pretty early point.

After that it’s just tcg and frivolous bmah stuff.

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The only thing that really made me think of gold this expansion was leggos. It does make me mad that on my server I have to drop about 40k per Leggo. Thats 160k for me to have pve and pvp for my shammy alt where I like to play resto and ele. I don’t think progression like that should require a gold sink.

Repairs and stuff I don’t even notice I mean you make more gold doing nothing than you spend normally.

whats going on here are people saying thats humanbeak because he has beak in his name?

I have heard that pets are the best way to make easy gold. Since you can freely transfer them between servers on your account, you watch multiple servers for someone listing them for lower than they are worth…and then transfer them to a better market for resell.

Of course, you have to have enough gold on each server to make that work.

No, they are saying that the OP is humanbeak because they have the same pet count and battle pet line-up. Those are pretty unique things.

This is a good example of why it’s good to diversify. It’s true, you can buy a pet for 200k here and sell it for 300k there, but in between you could be holding and relisting the pet for weeks or months.

Like, I remember some pet took me like 5-6 months to offload. Or some twink level 10-14 dagger was several years before it finally sold (for like 90k back in mop-wod).

I don’t make that much gold, never had a million gold before. I’m lucky to make a couple thousand in a weekend.

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but they linked to someone named taurenbeak?

Correct! Pets take FOREVER to sell! But they can be a good way to transfer gold between realms as long as you’re not losing out!

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So very odd.

I’ve been playing since 2004 and don’t even have 1 mil between all my characters.

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Taurenbeak is Humanbeaks main. He deleted or moved servers with the priest he posted on, but they used to be linked on checkpvp before he turned off api access.


Turning off API? How very sketchy.

wasnt humanbeak level 60 though? who deletes a level 60 unless theyre a lunatic lol. hmm

i dunno if i can’t see it for myself i won’t believe it, sorry. if someone posted humanbeak and imveryrich side by side then yeah id believe it

thanks though