How Much Gold Do You Make a Weekend?

I usually pull in about 1-2 mil a weekend if I don’t have other things to do.

How much do you typically pull in on a weekend?

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Do you have a long boi?

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Not that much…but I never find myself needing that much.

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I’m in the negative.


694g per minute is a lot. What are you selling? Is this Goldshire work or what?

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Whatever the daily covenant quest pays out plus however much all the random junk I loot sells for. Sometimes I’ll clear out my bank and dump it all on the AH.

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OP is Humanbeak’s new alt apparently. See here, pets are the same:


Oh snap I was wondering where HB went.

Welcome back!


It looks like you are correct…but I have to wonder how many times you’ve compared their pets to random players until you finally caught them.

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Makes me miss the days of Cogshanks honestly lol.


Right? Me too.


It depends how much business I get on the weekend. If I have a few clients who want to meet on the weekend, and I have time, probably the equivalent of 30 WoW tokens or 5.8 million gold. But there’s nothing I want to spend gold on right now, so I’d rather keep the USD.

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Ouch, no long boi.
Feels sad.

Yup! It’s just very hard to do that during the summer time :frowning:

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Hopefully things pick up soon for us both! Come on, December!

Although, to the topic on hand. It varies pending on my mood. Can be anything from 0g cause I spent it on a bunch of useless things I absolutely didn’t need nor use but couldn’t live without cause I liked the thumbnail design to maybe 2million if I wasn’t too damn lazy.

that says taurenbeak not humanbeak

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How long til you switch from durhur gold to being super toxic again?

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Oh my goodness yes, making Christmas wishes come true :smiley:

absolutely nothing