How Much Gold Do You Make a Weekend?

Depends on severity.

You can have up to 8 accounts on a single bnet. All accounts share pets.

So if his main got banned, the armory would still display I believe even with a banned toon.

However, if he transferred servers, it will not display. Any other alts, however, that are created will share all the battle pets / achievements unless toggled off.

Almost 29k

I don’t have any Humanbeak alts but the way you guys are talking about this person makes me wish I did!

This isn’t a terrible way to make gold and if you’re not into the Auction House across multiple realms then it makes sense to do callings, mission tables, treasure chests (especially the ones that drop 800 gold!) and other things like that.

It’s actually easier to make gold on the Auction House now! With the region-wide AH change (which is turning out to be one of the best things Blizz has ever done), my profits have gone up since it’s much cheaper to craft and sell rare items/transmogs/etc. When I can flip 2k of materials for a 200k sale, it’s awesome!

Legendaries are still quite controllable too and continue to be a major part of my income, especially with the material cost reduction as well!

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i thought if an account was banned or suspended it applied to the whole bnet?

can you link me to something that says this? i searched the post history and only see it list 70 points on his posts

i mean im not trying to sound nutso here but after reading other threads about ‘t’ and reading a blue post about how we’re almost always wrong, i dont want to accuse someone of being someone else without real proof u know?

Give me a sec

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Something in the range of 28,000 to 29,000, I think.

Ok it appears he created a toon on that realm to “fill in” for the old toon.

This was taken not that long ago.

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hmm interesting, thank you

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making gold is hard work and I’m lazy so not a lot.


Indeed it is! I know some people have a dim view on gold making and such, but it can be quite a challenge depending on the goals you set, along with being a lot of fun :slight_smile:

Whatta flex lol…
I made like 10k gold. Cause enchants, pots, inscription etc all make nothing for me anymore.

I make roughly 750,000 gold a month just passively doing table missions on all my 60’s, daily callings on my main, and the weekly reservoir quests on all my 60’s. So if we consider a weekend 2 days, that’s about 50,000 between Saturday and Sunday.

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I’ve made about 1.2m a month, maybe 200k over a weekend or a few days depending. Many transmog items and pets take a long time to sell but I’ve been lucky getting them.

I currently have a Unknown Archaeologists Hammer I’ve posted for 1m gold but I don’t expect it to sell anytime soon.

Very very respectable! Well done :slight_smile:


2-3 callings worth. Unless I find myself willing to do more then 3-6 callings worth.

I do not make gold, it rains upon me from the heavens for just being myself.

It is enough to get by, I do not count it.

Rain (gold) On me!


Does this mean I can borrow some gold ? :smiley:

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weird flex, and who asked?

You know how goblins are.

how sway!?!